lol oh, mines like 5 ft from my computer, idk what happened, butta when we switched from dish to dig cable, they somehowhhardwired our XBL to our internet thing with a multi adapter thingy, idk how its done, but theres no wires from one to the other, and it ain't the kind you put on the back of your xbox, its really strange and awesome, lol
Yeah. They own like 20 acres of property. His dad's only 60 and is already retired. But most of his money comes from winning the world championship in dove hunting. He's just one of those guys that does absolutely everything.
Not really, just go to a few Rockies games every now and then 'cause I live in Colorado and the tickets are dirt cheap. The only sport I really like is swimming. Horrible at it though.
Lulz. I think "works" is a very loose statement. A lot of Offensive Coordinators mistake the Spread Offense for the ability to not have to protect the QB as much. The pocket opens up (like last Saturday for us), and the Defense can easily put pressure on your QB, if you don't have somewhat of an old-school pocket protection.
I think it's the fact that the Spread Offense is becoming more common. This year, we're focusing on taking the Offense to places besides Tebow and Percy Harvin. It's quite easy to shut down 1-2 players, ya know? So, we've tried to open up our Offense a bit. It's working, but as I said, our O-Line was letting Rebels in the pocket every play. Tebow had no time to put anything together.
Oh, now come on. Good ole' UF has done nothing to you, ha. We lost because we basically failed on all sides of the ball. 5 fumbles and the first turnover of the season (3 by the end of the game) hurt us a lot. Our O-Line fell to pieces on almost every play. It was a well-earned win by Ole Miss, but not one that would've taken place on a good day. We simply underestimated their strength. Furthermore, I'm sad to see that you didn't note the Trojan's loss last Thursday. C'mon, that was the best part!
hey wat happened i was just gonna ask u if u wanted to do annual achievement and in saw ur thread good bye bloumbus?