yeah, designed by iTs_NeXn Here We've got the majority of it done, just got the two pillars, the snipe platform (big flat walkway thing) and the top catwalk with the teleporter. we've been working on it for a week, whole second floor (first floor of boxes) had to be geo-merged down so that the top level avoids the invisible barrier.
Did you know that there is an area on foundry where if you place a box then save and quit, the box will ALWAYS be altered or moved a little? I just happened to have the most important part of my map situated in that location (by the windows)
ps. there are "requirements" to assault and ctf gametypes... if you dont follow them, you're bound to have a shitty time. see thread for details. [excoriate]
figures the only game i could get on your new map, was one that my friend decided he'd get on the computer in the middle, and his friend was like "OMG, how'd you get the two boxes togetherz?" and my friend made me get on the computer to watch the arby n the chief wedding. but fear not my good man, i will not give up my never ending quest of awesomness to test your map, and post a lengthy reply, of around 100-120 words!!:O OMG 100 words!!
Yeah, The Pit's great. It's H3's Midship as far as highly competitive standard maps are concerned. It'll be interesting to see if any of the new maps can top it. Since Blackout and Cold Storage have received a less than stellar welcome, I'm skeptical. The vehicles were great on Isolation. I didn't get in them enough (except to knock a certain someone out of the driver seat, lol), but they seemed to really work well. It was very refreshing to play an older map with a nice twist. I'll look out for the game, it should be a crazy one.
I didn't even bother DLing Pit Stop. You're right, it seemed kind of frivolous to lump it in with maps that had significant change. That's a pretty cool idea. You should do it. I never played Sumo, but I liked it's premise. It's too bad you can't fit a Ghost down the poop shoot on Isolation. What a great sneak attack that would be, lol.
I am really enjoying Epitaph and Snowbound with the shield doors removed. I never thought it would make that much of a difference, but it sure does. Shame about having to remove the Ghost on Boundless, but I can see why. The Last Resort tweak sounds cool; I agree with the beach not getting much use other than respawning. I like it the way it is anyway, unless you section off areas to make mini-maps.
I really liked what was done with the map. There wasn't anything that I thought was out of place or overly used, and the spawns seemed to work well. You guys planning on revamping anything else?
The only other person I had previously played with was Vicious, but it was a blast and a great group to play with. I've always like Isolation, and Chips did an excellent job with improving it.
It was a pleasure finally getting some games in with you, sir. Sorry I couldn't have stayed longer, but maybe next time.