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Jul 28, 2011 at 8:50 AM
May 1, 2008
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Senior Member
Darkdragon was last seen:
Jul 28, 2011
    1. Aranore
      ummm.. you don't use peace in monopoly. you use a Piece. stopping war wont make money in that game
    2. Aranore
      Because your arguments aren't. You failed. Go away.
    3. Aranore
      (>_> )

      I Just read your blog. THAT's something that a preschooler would do: throw a tantrum because an authoritative person took action against him. seriously are you like 10? and for the record, you do not learn the dynamics of debating, nor sentence structure, nor nothing really at all but simple manners and life lessons or right and wrong while attending preschool.

      I guess you skipped that grade. Go back. you need it (o_o)

      Edit:quote:"Darkdragon:OK everyone, i admit i am only 10, you cant expect me to agree with everything you say"
      AHAHAHAhahahahah oh my gosh you are ten! I just guessed a random number... wow... ok.
    4. Aranore
      A) this is an internet based site. perfect structure is not required.
      B) In my last post every one of my sentences were proper. so dont know what the heck your talking about. I think your just a sore looser.
      C) you dont even follow that. not a single one of your posts have been what you r-q-u-i-r-e.
      D) you neg repped me... when the comment was directed to someone else.. while every other comment was directed at you. and the comment i made had nothing to do with you.

      so learn to follow your own advice. don't insult me. all it does is show your lacking intelligence to fight your point. you cant anymore, so now you name call. grow up.
    5. xFr1ct10nx
      Hey! Check the SI social group, its Top Priority!
    6. HLG Viper
      HLG Viper
      sure, i guess, but i think the creator of the group just stopped logging in. At least he hasn't been on for a few days.
    7. Aranore
      also, I wasn't talking to you about the ignoring comment. It was directed to playhatta as thats who i quoted.
    8. Aranore
      dont abuse negative rep.
    9. IcedFrappuccino
      You would know, because your maps are horrible. Learn how to forge before you critize the forging 101 threads.

      You made many grammar mistakes on your latter comment. I would suggest going back to school and learning how to fix those up =)
    10. IcedFrappuccino
      I was looking at your recent comments. It seems that you like to rep abuse people. You are going to be reported :D
    11. IcedFrappuccino
      What a retard. The link I sent to him, showed how to geomerge at an angle. You fail in everyway possible...
    12. Stra4ng3rD4ng3r
      alright yeah i meant the thing that says
      "cavalier, exterminator, demon"
      that thing
      how do you get your rank changed and what do those bars mean
    13. breszhnev
      dude wassup its me izzy
    14. dented_drum
      Lol phail. Next time you try to -Rep someone because you disagree with someone, make sure that you have enough Rep for it to actually affect them.
    15. DeathToll77
      alright thats fine just send a friend request to Breakers Guild on xbox live
    16. DeathToll77
      Its great that your interested in becoming a members!! When do you think you can take the test?
    17. Dizfunky
      Not now...who are you by the way?
    18. TheDarkKnight05
      P.S. I gave you +rep. : ))
    19. TheDarkKnight05
      sorry..Todays homecoming for our school so I really can't miss it, are you playing customs with anybody today?
    20. TheDarkKnight05
      sure. Love to. I have to go to school in about an hour so i cant do it right now, how about 4-7 PM tonight? My GT is TheDarkKnight05.
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