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Dec 30, 2010 at 8:46 PM
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Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
student in highschool

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Ancient, from Earth

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Crusadermike was last seen:
Dec 30, 2010
    1. Stratigon13
      sure i will. ive been trying to think of the ideas for the gametype and stuff.
    2. Crusadermike
      see ya later man
    3. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      k ill take a look at it sometime. see ya mike!
    4. Stratigon13
      YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! I finally got two bars of rep. Im such a good deeder lol.
    5. Stratigon13
      no penalty box no one really likes to be in there (unless its really hard to kill.) With 50% speed it would take forever to get weapons. it would def be faster just to pass by weapons. camo would be useless and cp would be dominatory. If u work out those kinks then u might just get an awesome map. might want to use avalanche with all forging stuff u could prolly figure a way to fix said problems
    6. Crusadermike
      loooool. hey i might be able to recover ur account when my bro gets done doing the mission for me (he decided he wanted to take over since i was doing it with fred and couple of his friends lol) they're all in ghosts at the last part now so :D
    7. Stratigon13
      that post was so long. ill coninue to read it over this week. get on xbl ill be on in at most 15 min
    8. Crusadermike
      oh no lol. ahh well, good luck getting stuff done :)
    9. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      ouch, too many paper cuts and lead poisoning! im sleeping in pencil shavings! what has school come to?
    10. Crusadermike
    11. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      thats how it goes. today was actually the first seemingly easy/little amount of homework ive had in years, or what seems like it. 'ts all good. :) oh, wait, what am i saying??? >:(
    12. Crusadermike
      hey but please dont get me wrong man, i'm just trying to say that you should socially talk however you're comfortable is right and is right with God's plans to use you in your life and just don't worry what anyone else thinks, that's it. and u can't worry about how people may judge either, just gotta keep on your heart and on your mind and on your tongue, "is this what God wants me to do, or does God want me to do something now or is there something maybe God wants me to stop doing, or God just whatever it is just please help me out with it."
    13. Crusadermike
      i really think i can relate with you on that sooooooooooooooooooooo much, but you know what you gotta fight through it and when you got something to say you gotta speak up you know? im not saying to be a blabber mouth in class but just to the extent that people can know you. i know there's probably all those popularer kids and they may be thinking "oh what you're talking now, wait who are you again?" and i have no idea if this type of thing is what ur talking about, or that and the combination of just not being comfortable talking freely or whatever it is i dont know but i'm talking out of my personal experience and saying that if there's something for a good reason you really think you oughta say or do you gotta just do it and ignore false social intimidations and things, and that is really hard to do. ah if that's what ur talking about i hoped that helps, but you know it's not wrong or anything to not talk as much as others you know and i'm not talking about that, just that you be socially whoever you can be for God's sake in whatever He may want to use you for. and i struggle with this too, but God's helping me out and 'I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me!" right!? right!
    14. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      yep. i come off as boring, aloof, i hate aloof. people hate it, i wish people didnt think i was trying to be that way though, i just dont have many friends, or feel like saying anything. no one really cares what i have to say. so i dont say anything. bad childhood scenarios return to me if i fail.
    15. Crusadermike
      man that's really the same as me, but God knows i'm trying, crazy huh?
    16. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      thats why im still in these classes, i dont know much, but my family says ive become somewhat of a robot, with little emotion, or carisma. i have no free time in hte weeks, 5 of 7 days is completely taken up, im tired and want to sleep. the only thing holding me in this is myself not wanting to become average, and the thought that im honaring Him by doing this. as for school, i'm mute. when it comes to socializing, -dont have the words for it. my mother says im an "Old soul" because ive always been real mature, and i have an easy time becoming friends with adults, but not people my age, unless i know them as friends. i wish i could open my mouth, but when i do that, i just mess up.
    17. Crusadermike
      just gotta remember, "Am I doing what I can living my life out for God?" and if God just has it on your heart at lunch one day to go talk to a random schoolmate sitting by herself, then man just gotta do it cuz that's what God's calling us to do right? i dont know where exactly but the Bible says that you're sinning when you don't do the good you know you ought to do, and that's just all i'm talking about here. just gotta live your life seeing the opportunities to witness or to be a friend or to just be there for someone that God has laid before you and do it. God's not calling us to get high on caffeine (didn't spell that right...) and stay on the computer all night and all day and 24/7 being on debate forums and trying to talk about God to others and ignore our everyday lives. Atleast that's not what God's calling me to do as of now and I believe God is Perfect and He knows what's right and wrong, and He wants us all to get out there and make Himself known and simply let our light shine in the world. just shine your light and let the whole world see (line from a Christian song :)) and listen to God the Holy Spirit when he's telling you "Go there! Do this!" man cuz i believe in it, and even the Bible talks about it in Acts 8:26-40 (and also an angel appeared to Philip, too) but God led him to talk to this man. we gotta have a relationship with God so that we can listen to Him when He's telling us to go somewhere and do something and all we gotta do is live our lifes out doing what God has on our hearts to do.
    18. Crusadermike
      yeah man bout the same's been going on with me a little cuz it's very possible for me to have homework in all my classes everyday (except fridays cuz my spanish teacher says she doesn't like to give homework on fridays lol) but just make sure man that wherever you are whatever you're doing that you can just be a light for others to see you know? as for me it's school that i get that chance and it's a lot easier to connect with people and just be a friend for them. i'm trying to be here for others as well even over the internet, but God knows what's best to do and He'll have you know what you can do and should do as long as you're listening to Him.
    19. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      i dont have time for it anymore, my homework has me up till 12, and thats when DONT procrastinate. just 2 days a week now. :'(
    20. Crusadermike
      hey im not perfect either, just God is, but I believe God's Word is Truth and that's what you gotta stick by, Praise God! :)
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    Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
    student in highschool
    I'm a Christian and that's rly who i am



    Hey i'm a Christian you can talk to me if you want! Here's my testimony, and if u want to contact me or know more about me u can go to
    Remember God is holy holy holy!