emo asian girl
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Apr 2, 2009 at 12:06 AM
Feb 4, 2008
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emo asian girl


Senior Member
emo asian girl was last seen:
Apr 2, 2009
      holy!!! wall "o"text batman. i got to the 5th question before i got lazy and stopped reading. lol. by the way what does this have to do with anything?
    2. Mastar
      When Do You Become A Man?

      You become a man sometime somewhere somehow somewhen. Sometimes it happens early in people's lives. Other times it doesn't happen. You know when the time is right.

      Bad Behaviour on the Trains

      Bad behaviour on the trains is badly behaved. When you be bad finicco woh. People didn't let some form one girl off the train so they could be gangs. They felt pretty gangsta when the little girl cried after she missed her stop. Then some straight up OG was bragging about tagging. Im a rapper by the way.

      Which is Better, NCEA or Cambridge?

      They are both better in different ways. NCEA is lots of assignments. And Cambridge is one exam at the end of the year. Also Michael told me that a monkey sat sat NCEA level 2 and got 80%. I couldn't tell if he was joking.

      What are your Favourite 3 Films, and Why?

      My favourite 3 films are Harry Potter 1, 2, and 3. This is because Harry Potter is sexy. If I didn't do so much homework all the time I might do him.

      Why Can't We Fight At School To Sort Things Out?

      The reason we can't fight at school is because I would smash everyone. I would say "not even G" and then knock everyone. And since I knocked everyone then there can't be school. And since there can't be school, I can't smash them all. And it goes on. I would even smash all the teachers, except Griffith (the english teacher marking my essays). I would only smash him some. And then after there is no more beef. That is why we can't fight at school.


      Texting is good. Unless you get bullied like: "You aren't cool" or "I don't like you". If that happened I might have to kill myself. The other day someone sent me one that said "Those clothes you were wearing aren't the trendiest things that are out". Ever since then I've been thinking about whether to kill myself or not.

      Why Are So Many Poems, Stories, Pictures etc, About Religion?


      Is Graffitti Annoying or Fun?

      Graffitti is annoying. Except how it's real cool. When those hard gangstas go out in the middle of the night and do a sweet as bombing that is one gangsta as word about 5cm long and 1cm high. And then they can go back the next day and say "Look G, I spent like 5 minutes doing dat last night" and his friend can say "where is it?" and then he says "over here" and his friend says "oh **** homey you gangs. Thats your biggest one yet". I also think people that tag should be raped with a knife. Then we would see how cool they were. And also they would bleed out their ass.

      Which Is More Important, Maths or English?

      I think they are equally important up to year 11. At year 11, it becomes ridiculous and repetitive, and is really pointless. How many essays do you need to write to know how to write one? How many books do you need to analyse to know how to analyse a book? How many times do you have to spell hippo to know how to spell hirppo? It ends up stupid.
    3. Mastar
      The Most Intellectually Advanced Conversation of the Century

      Mattipabermyda says:
      how did you manage that?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      i threw it
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      i did it back in auck
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      i threw it at someone
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      and it scratched beond reapir so i snapped it
      Mattipabermyda says:
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      And thats why i can never take donkeys into sea world ever again
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Mattipabermyda says:
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      back in auck
      Mattipabermyda says:
      You cant fool me! There's no seaworld here!
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Yes there is
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      the underground one
      Mattipabermyda says:

      Mattipabermyda says:
      You dont mean...?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Yes i mean
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Dear lord
      Mattipabermyda says:
      And you cant take donkeys there any more???
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      they said i was obscene with the mayoniase
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      i really can't talk about because of all the laywers
      Mattipabermyda says:
      What about the tomato ham though?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Yeah the cops never found it
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Lucky. If they had have... Thats the end of the trots for you.
      Mattipabermyda says:
      And you know it mayo man.
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Well i understand being obsecne to the mayo
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Yes. Thats one of the more straight up aspects. But what about the other criminal activity?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Well as i said i can't say much beacuse of the lawyers.. but what i can say is that. if i knew it was a melon instead of a grapefruit i would be alot happier
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Grapefruit you say? Are you out of your mind??
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Well in ther circumstance it would be better
      Mattipabermyda says:
      But wouldnt grapefruit cause mass nuclear war?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      But as i said the sea world was underground
      Mattipabermyda says:
      You make a valid point. But what about the possibility of mass underground sea-nuclear war?
      Mattipabermyda says:
      But on land?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Thats why i got charges placed against me
      Mattipabermyda says:
      I see, I see. How many were you found guilty for?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      well there was the xenocide and the mass donkey/whale sex thing i got convicted for
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Ouch. Anal or front on?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      the blow hole
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Ah yes. What about the donkeys?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      it was huge
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      well not really compared to the whale
      Mattipabermyda says:
      So you took the donkey?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Yeah and i kinda threw it on top of the whale
      Mattipabermyda says:
      I see. And then the grapefruit cause mass destruction using the deadly chemical mayonaise on all of these sexually aroused animals?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Pretty much
      Mattipabermyda says:
      ****. I feel for you.
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Well it was my fault i came to realise
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Ah yes?
      Mattipabermyda says:
      How so?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      I threw the donkey plus i grabbed the melon instead
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Ah yes, the melon. The dealiest of all fruit. Why James, why?
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Well between you and me....
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      I planned this for years and this was the perfect time to strike and wreak my revenge upon sea world for eating my hotdog!!!
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Mattipabermyda says:
      Oh, so this was all revenge? Dont give me that, we all know there was a real reason.
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      Well that was only part of it.... but i was forced into this by the FFOOA
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      freedom fighters of ocean animals
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
      They knew i was the only one who could do it
      Mattipabermyda says:
      A likely story! But you cant fool me. I've heard that one a hundred times. There's just one problem with your story. Donkeys are not ocean animals on certain days of the week, ruling them out from the wrath of the FFOOA!
      I will fight you --->insert name here<---, thats no lie says:
    4. Mastar
      your fixation with fall out boy is... obsessive
      lol. everytime i see goodwhalesushi post i want to eat sushi. and no im not excited to see a girl post. lol (no offense too you emo asian girl) lol
    6. Nemihara
      yumi is bakabakabakabakabakabakabakabakabakabakabakabaka and her white color text fails
    7. Mastar
      i want sushi now.

      and Bullet For My Valentine is better...
    8. Mastar
      lol no im not actually. i was just kidding around gosh gosh GOSH

      are you excited caboose?

      what about you emo asian?
    9. emo asian girl
      emo asian girl
      PETE WENTZ!!!!!!!!
    10. emo asian girl
      emo asian girl
      PETE WENTZ!!!!!
      teh master are you really that excited to see a girl on forge hub? wow
    12. emo asian girl
    13. Mastar
      omg its a girlllllll

    14. emo asian girl
      emo asian girl
      the real camera they used in cloverfield

    15. emo asian girl
    16. emo asian girl
      emo asian girl
      oh my god i can D:
    17. emo asian girl
      emo asian girl
      can i write myself a message
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