I don't know what to do with the rest of High Voltage. Geomerging is awsome but its just... empty. The map's (about 1 side is done) is just plain evan though it has great geomerging, layout and just about everything else is great so far. I don't know how to finish it. Any suggestions or ideas on what you WANT to see in the map?
Hi Kinubidix, I was in my Grandma's and Grandads house yesterday and today so I was'nt able to come on FH. :( SadFace
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/37476-forgehub-existence-reflection.html you might really like that...ur in it after all...
im not on atm so send me one, i think i had 1 space before i went off, if not send me a pm and ill inv you through that. add ivlatty.. not iprojex.. forgot to change that. roche has projex.
Oh, and I'm really tired... and I got stuff to do later today, so I'm going to get some sleep. lol. See ya later man.
Sounds like fun. The one TGIF I spent in Tex's party was pretty fun. Him and Vicious are so far my favorite two TGIF's host. I can see you becoming another though. ;)
lawlz, in that case then I'll try to join your party. :P But then again, I might just stick with Vicious Vice's party ;)