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Mar 1, 2015 at 8:00 PM
Jan 20, 2008
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Sep 1, 1985 (Age: 39)
Home Page:
San Diego, CA

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RIP, from San Diego, CA

Senior Member
LIGHTSOUT225 was last seen:
Mar 1, 2015
    1. stin10
      but not everyone knows that, i can picture it know, its says permium staff, and it fades from maroon to green, i don't see how that clutters. its the same size, and more respect is given where needed.
    2. stin10
      i was talking about this with bloodfire, and some people said i should tell mods, or staff or something so. i was wondering, why don't you guys have combined ranks. for example, bloodfire was a premium member, and now he's eventstaff. honestly, i would rather be premium than staff, so i was wonder why don't they have combined ranks, like premium event staff, and so on. because a lot of staff and others, would be premium members, if it wasn't for the fact that they were mods, or writers or something, like matty. do you understand what i'm saying. and do you think its a good idea?
    3. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Hey whats up?

      You might still be pissed atme for spamming your screen with invites the other day.

      Just wondering if you've heard of High Voltage? The map I'm making. Many people have from people just telling other people... after the popularity of Code Impulse. To bad it had to many problems... I would have liked to see that map featured.

      Just wondering.

      Hope is emo, it alwase dies away.

      Randomly felt like typing that :-)
    4. ScarFac3d
      Hey sexy, what's up?
    5. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      yup.. ill be on
    6. drak
      im just saying, i'd like to help!

      also, BTW when are you going to get those clips to me?
    7. drak
      yo, can you somehow, anyhow, involve me in RR forums that you have?

      I dont know how to help, be helpful, contribute or anything, as I dont have my xbox, but i can make that montage we agreed upon!

      I'd love to be the official film editor on your site, if at all possible...

      Also, I can help you write up long things for your site...I just registerd (thought i did before, go figure...) I guess it didnt work last time...anyways, ull find me under sdrakulich!
    8. fluffypancakes
      pancake was here.....
    9. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      Lights fnf fool
    10. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      go online for fnf
    11. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      I will make time. I will be with my GF, but she will have to deal. I'l make her occupy herself for an hour or so or whatever it takes. How long do you think it will take? I also tried to do some screenshots today but Bungie won't put my pics through for some reason, I've been waiting for hours and they still haven't shown up. Also I got a bit of the Gunning 101 done and have uploaded a few videos for the Tut as examples. Things such as anticipation shots and defensive shots were a few I was thinking of including. They are on Gamevee which kind of sucks, but it's the best I can do right now until I get a capture card.
    12. LIGHTSOUT225
      i dunno maybe. maybe just a couple boost pics throughout. and a link to CDRAD's montage. no worries tho, if not ill get to it sometime soon. can you FNF tomorrow at 7 EST?
    13. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      I'll see what I can do. I really wanted to focus on the Gunning 101 while I had the time to do a write up, so if I finish that up I will get right into taking some shots. Are you talking like a Title pic for the 101?
      you know you might be able to make a snowbound RR with the one that doesn't have shield doors..... but idk might be to small
    15. drak
      u have no idea how much id like to be "in" on your contest....

      but, my ***** mother took my xbox away, actually, the term would be I got jacked while i was at school.

      So, i will not be able to participate fully in the entries/games

      BUT, i can make you a recap with all the submissions, if you supply me with the video files...that would be great if at all possible

      Also, I'd be happy to judge for you!
      BTW this is sdrakulich, i asked you if you wanted me to edit your future montages and stuff....just so you know...
    16. Creeping Death
    17. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      ill do a RR pic of santrap when i get back tonight
    18. Vicious Vice
    19. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I lost my poop too .. :)
    20. ScarFac3d
      Why Hallo Thar, Good Sir!
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1985 (Age: 39)
    Home Page:
    San Diego, CA
    Have, and will continue to kick cancer's ass.

    My interests include working hard, girls, beer, and halo