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Mar 2, 2017 at 10:23 AM
Jun 1, 2008
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Ancient, from Good Ol' Rhode Island

Senior Member
HomieG54 was last seen:
Mar 2, 2017
    1. TheMisterHat
      Dude you have to give me mod rank
    2. drak
      i wont can i have the FTP info now, and i can try and create a sub-forum stie for you to check it out
      It will also be our testing site..so if we want to test out a new addon for it, we do it there first... :D
    3. drak
      lmao, imagine that with 50 members...yep, that was me, and now i have it back up in 4 days...you ONLY have 4 members..no biggie...trust me
    4. drak
      like i said

      not invisionfree invision POWER boards, the one you have to pay for dude, and i haz.

      What im saying is I have it, and I can install it for you....
      It may be a hassle (what I originally thought...seeing as I transferred more than 4 times, and used 4 different types of forums) I know its better for you to use invision power (or pro, now that i come to think of it, it may be invision PRO boards) boards...
    5. drak
      you want me to do it though?

      ive ran through installing it like twice already..lol sorry for over reacting, im just allergic to phpBB, cuz they are terrible

      You wanna give me the FTP info, or give me a new user, and make it so i cant delete stuff?

      I'll do it quickly if you want, and I'd really love to help :D
    6. drak
      NOO NOT PHPBB I HAVE IPB its invision pro boards, and its WAY better, tell me your FTP info, ill upload and install it...I have the FULL version, (love my freinds BTW)

      Ill get it up in no time!!!
    7. drak
      I'd love to, as I am running my own site...link me please, and ill see what i can help you with

      BTW...can we have a secret section....and fill it up with....you know....JK
    8. TheMisterHat
      i registered can you make me a mod now
    9. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Cause Farcry 2 is coming out... I think I'll make one on Avalanche to try and get into MM.

      Believe me... High Voltage will not disapoint!
    10. TheMisterHat
      can i help on the website
    11. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Well thi is my last map. Mabey I'll make onw to try and get ito MM
    12. TheMisterHat
      so those five bucks we were talking about pay up buck'o
    13. jedi eli
      jedi eli
      Yeah. I'll first upload the video to my youtube file. I'll tell you it when I get It done tomorrow.
    14. jedi eli
      jedi eli
      Okee Dokee.
    15. jedi eli
      jedi eli
      Okay. I'll do that one tomorrow.
      Do I just upload the youtube video to my file or are you gonna tell me the password to your youtube account?
    16. jedi eli
      jedi eli
      When are we gonna do a review?
    17. jedi eli
      jedi eli
      There's no link...
    18. jedi eli
      jedi eli
      Okee Dokee. I downloaded the Full version of Castle Crashers 3 days ago. I'm a level 24 Red Knight.
    19. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      My house got struck by lightening and I just got my computer working. I have still been working on High Voltage though. I have been forging on local. Geomerging is AMAZING and its allready better than Code Impulse!
    20. Fbu
      Your'e gonna have to ask Shock or someone higher

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    Good Ol' Rhode Island
    Clearly Insane
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