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Apr 13, 2009 at 7:30 PM
Aug 20, 2008
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Senior Member
K3V1N was last seen:
Apr 13, 2009
    1. K3V1N
      hello i poop alot
      lawlz ******
    2. Grey Benefit
      Grey Benefit
      Just looked through your posts. I haven't neg-repped any of them. I haven't even been on most of the threads you've posted in.

      On another note, the idea of removing the anonymity of the rep system was a bad one. I imagine I'm not the only one who has been negged for negging someone else *rolls eyes*.
    3. Grey Benefit
      Grey Benefit
      One must assume that if I gave you bad rep it's because you deserved it. However, I may be wrong. Link me, and I'll explain.
    4. TNF
      I just checked about 90% of your posts. They're all not that well though out and can be considered spam. The one I negative repped you on is because:
      1. It was obvious spam.
      2. You didn't even read the post, you just put down unbacked up information.
      Have you read the rules on posting, you can receive infractions for things like that? Now, if I positive rep you can you shut up?
    5. TNF
      Send me the link to the post I negative repped you on. If it's really a big issue to you, can point out why I did it. I always have reasons.
    6. TNF
      Who the hell are you? Get over it, it's the internet, I probably had a very good reason to do it. SPAM IS AGAINST THE RULES. LIVE WITH IT.
    7. Hazza
      lolz, rep *****...
      (in case you wondered - that means no to free rep)
    8. Hazza
      Why did you give me + rep entitling 'he is nice'???
      I'm not complaining, just confused.
    9. Teerav11
      Forging Sense The Newest Halo forums website made by forgehubbers!!!
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    If you want a level 50 account for a 1 month or some points send me a message (a cooi cat)