Well, whoop-diddly-goody for him. He can go wait for FC2 to come out on his forums and watch all the news articles pop up there. I'll be here, playing Halo 3.
Wow to both of them, Your lucky, I have 97 rep points. I've got to go to school now, I'll talk to you later after school. See ya!!
unfortunately. this seriously puts my followup to Vertebraille on the backburner. Maybe thats a good thing with all this talk of "sandbox". Anyways, im off to bed. you should read vorpals messages to myself. theres one directed towards you ;) night.
you're both purple, cant be too hard to be witty over that. :D plus you have mildly similiar styles. i say do a collab with him someday. it would be fun. im gonna do one with him. and you. and blaze. and saint. and....
i didnt know he was in. cant say i care much. i liked ABCrew as it was. too many new views and its bound to wind up much different.
haha, steve. much like Bloodfire has joined Tex and Viper in the ABCrew, Vorpal Saint has just signed on to BrokenBlaze productions. we begin our next map soon as well. sooooo many collaborations.
thank you for actually getting that. :D so, monday, is when i begin our map. i realized that when i forge with someone over live, things get all screwy and disappear occasionally. so my way is the only way to go. Ill send you something real soon on Redeemer. :D