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Oct 12, 2009 at 9:01 AM
Aug 9, 2008
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Rotherham - UK

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Ancient, from Rotherham - UK

Senior Member
RageGummy was last seen:
Oct 12, 2009
    1. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      YouTube - Gummi Bears
    2. Insane54
      You weren't on D:
    3. LIGHTSOUT225
      I need your teammate to sign up at RRA for the league, its starting. If it doesnt happen in a couple days, or if you think your team won't be able to participate, please tell me so I can hurry to find a replacement team
    4. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      sounds good to me
    5. Insane54
      Will there ever be enough intearl0ck1ng and g30m3rg1ng?! evur?!
    6. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      i got some joke questions and some serious ones here you go..

      Does me being in the top 3 richest players get me recon?
      What are your favorite games excluding Viceball & Rocket Race?
      What Celebrity would you like to teamkill?
      Where did you get the name RageGummy?
      Ever see the old Disney cartoon the Gummy Bears?
      If you didn't u missed them drinking some magical potion that made them bounce super high.
      Are you angry at David Beckham for leaving Team England to join Team Capitalism?
      How is operation Castle Crashing going?
      What is better Hersey or Cadbury Chocolate?
      Have you ever heard of Hersey's Chocolate.... they have their own amusment park called... Hersey Park?
      What is your favorite Pizza?
      Have you though about offering bounties on players who are just to darn good?
      (madhippy,AnthonyV, myself)
      Last podcast you mentioned the person who had the idea of the honour system had the lowest honour... but who has the highest?
      And lastly my most important question

      Is Austin Powers Britian's greatest spy...better than Bond, James Bond?

      hope they arent to wierd its all i could think of
    7. TexturedSun

      Thanks for the info.
    8. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      Looks like i stepped up my HALO3rpg game im 1st in bank roll 2nd in cash.... how the hell did a lv8 get soo good....must be all that viceball.

      p.s. thanks for viceball shoutout
    9. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Happy RageGummy day... lol. :s

      You sly devil, you.
    10. Insane54
      Alot more fun is Drunken on Viceball. Just FYI.
    11. flare fang
      flare fang
      Hello ive been new to these site and for a long time now, and ive been looking on how to post maps from halo3 on here but i cant. and i wont to post my maps because alot of people suggested to me that i should, just because my maps were so good.So if you could help then you guys can see how good of a map maker i am.
    12. Insane54
      Needz m0ar int3l0ck1n, r33d f0rg1ng 101 4 h3lp n00b l4wl i r ra3t 1t 2/5 cuz u li3k emb3d pixz0rz l4wl
    13. Dragoncoals
      Who would let you design a real game? I call shenanigans. Can I test it? I like being parts of things, as you might by now understand.
    14. Dragoncoals
      OIC, you mean XNA games?
    15. Dragoncoals
      Wait wut.

      Engine for Xbox game? Say again plokx?

      I can help with anything if you like, I used to write machinima, and now I make it.
    16. Dragoncoals

      Anyway, did you pick your MM Officer yet? I was hoping... ;p
    17. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      You clearly have not been here long enough, Sir.

      They're traps, every last one of them.
    18. Dragoncoals
    19. Dragoncoals
    20. halo kid
      halo kid
      wow yor online,are you going to be an active respected? we really need one of those
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    Rotherham - UK
    Welcome! Im Scotty, from halosocial.net and halo3rpg.com , Come join if you wish!

    Snowboarding, gaming, design and advertisment

