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Nov 14, 2014 at 6:34 PM
Feb 19, 2008
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Dec 13, 1990 (Age: 34)
New Zealand bro
Turtle Scrubber

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Ancient, from New Zealand bro

Senior Member
Mastar was last seen:
Nov 14, 2014
    1. JessicaJones
      you are kidding right?
    2. dented_drum
      Yeah, I contemplated changing when the new skin came out, but as soon as I realized that I could switch to the old, I kept my font style. I type in blue because it looks cool to me.

      Thanks, though. I still might switch to red. That seems to work pretty well for both skins.
    3. DRiSCOLL
      why thank you, ill share the cake with you, ill have the top and you can have the bottom
    4. DRiSCOLL
      hey like you said the other day, come bck in 3 days 9my bday) well theres only 2 hours whoot
    5. J A Y
      J A Y
      Catch man.
    6. J A Y
      J A Y
      haha, I don't think I have laughed so much in my life. Yeah I do feel as if my heart has been ripped out, along with one of my testicles.
    7. J A Y
      J A Y
      Teehee, my shoes have gotten me lots of sex, since they are so awesome.
    8. ScarFac3d
      Why Hallo Thar Good Sir! Would You Be Interested In Helping Getting Footage For A Skate Park Montage I Am Making On This Lovely Day?
      Also, I can haz sexy time?
    9. J A Y
      J A Y
      Post your picture and the new post your shoe collection.

      What do you think of my shoe collection?
    10. J A Y
      J A Y
      o.O An ostrich egg? I didn't know you could eat those. I have seen a few and yes they are very big compared to a normal chicken egg.

      Just took a few screenies you will see them up soon :)
    11. J A Y
      J A Y
      I laughed... I just had chocolate bar. What you havin for dinner?

      Wait.. you live Auckland don't you? or do you live somewhere else?
    12. J A Y
      J A Y
      Hey, whats going on with my main man? I'm so incredibly bored.
    13. Stoj
      Also, can I get you to edit the email in the desc. so it says ( ) ?

      It's my art email.
    14. Stoj
      FUX YES


      I'll make different copies if he wants, and I can sharpen the text so it's bettah
    15. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Hey, it might be awhile until I can post my sandwich, my grades recently came in the mail and I am failing almosst all my classes. I'm secretly using my laptop although I'm not supposed to, but I will try my best to get a sandwich made/posted soon.
    16. xSharpshooter94
      wow negarep really...i dont think that was deserved. especially with your rep power. a explanation would be good enough and btw the 101 cant teach how to make staight walls but it can help with other things i saw wrong with that map so. i would like an explanation sir.
    17. DrawingMan
      Holy ****en ****, man that **** is ****en win. like a ****en rave and stuff. Were can I haz mp3 for future....stuff...and stuff. :D
    18. The Effected
      The Effected
      I like the lines, but the bg's colors are too bright, also I'm not a big fan of yellow, blue, pink combo. The entire thing seems somewhat pixelated, maybe try saving as a png might help. Overall though, since you havn't done much, this is pretty good.

      Btw, what program you use?
    19. Smeagle
      Check my last post, I edited in a new one...
    20. Smeagle
      Dun wury, I'm making a waaaaay bettah one now...
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  • About

    Dec 13, 1990 (Age: 34)
    New Zealand bro
    Turtle Scrubber
    teh mastar
    My hobbies, etc
