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Mar 8, 2013 at 3:03 AM
May 21, 2008
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Jimbodawg was last seen:
Mar 8, 2013
    1. TheShadyGnome

      Why's that?
    2. dented_drum

      I'm not a competitive gamer at all. I like competitive gaming, but nothing's better than driving your flag-carrying friend off the cliff in 2 Flag Avalanche, with the score locked 2-2 in Sudden Death.

      I see that as funny. I only do that with my friends that I play with on a daily basis, though. It's pretty gay to go off and screw up someone else's gaming experience, though.
    3. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      I'll once "befriend" you on FH xD (worst smiley ever I know...)
    4. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Uh, sure I'll send you a FR tomorrow.
    5. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Oh, and I forgot to add that credit also goes to Public Servent and The Persister! :D (I'm just the guy posting it, lol)
    6. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Woah, I love how on Forgehub people take time to write reviews, very nicely done! Anyway, I also realized that you can get down to Blackout with Barrel-Grenade jumping, but the problem is I'm out of immovable objects so I have nothing to Block the Libary part off. So yeah... I hope people won't try to hide in Custom Game though. And I can't block of the HLG part by the Shotgun spawn again because off lack of immovable objects, but if someone does camp down there with a Shotgun or something he should be pretty easy to take out with Sticky's... If you've got any ideas to better the Weapon placement, I'm open to anything. Besides the lack of Respawn area's and Team-respawn points do you think the spawning placement is good otherwise or should delete some? Any other thoughts that would help this Map get a 10/10 from you? : )
      And lastly fix should come out on 25/09/08, which should address most of your points!

      Also could it be that Collision reminds you of a Halo PC Map called Gephyrophobia?
      btw is "Would you kindly..." a BioShock reference.
    7. dented_drum
      You're the one who initiated said "discussion." To say that you don't care insinuates that you actually don't care. Your continuously faulty logic only supports my decision further.
    8. dented_drum
      Rep is seen differently by a lot of folks. Personally, I see it as a means of knowing another's credibility based on how positively or negatively they have been rated. That said, I felt that your view made you less credible, which is why I gave negative rep.
    9. Linubidix
      lol, the next one says "is Titmar"

    10. Reynbow
      Lol okay then =D
    11. Reynbow
      Lolk, have fun
    12. Fbu
      Yeah life sucks and it isn't fair. I'm just following the rules of most forums, if it makes you feel better I could merge them.
    13. Something.
      How about I don't take back what I said, and furthermore feel that having a military in general is stupid. Maybe instead of building armies, we should all learn to not piss each other off.
    14. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      thats what i thought
    15. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Are your stories true below
    16. Jimbodawg
      [Today 11:41 PM] Jimbodawg: In the 1st grade, during recess 2 of my friends and I snuck out into the woods. I get into an arguement with the one boy, who is a little overweight and is much larger than me. He proceeds to push me into a briar patch, and oh my, this hurts like a *****. I get up, face white as powder, and I jump on the kid, knocking him to the dirt, just whaling on his chubby cheeks. My other friend, just watches as the kid is bombardmented by me. School teachers find out, and give me a dicsipline referral and what not. Well, when I get home, my parents congratulate me on my victory. Later, the parents of the kid who got his ass handed to him call my parents and have a talk. My dad was like, "well he still got his ass kicked."
    17. Jimbodawg
      [Today 11:33 PM] Jimbodawg: When I was on the playground at the age of four, some little black boy came up to me and said, "Hey, what's crackin' there white boy?" and I responded, "What?" He then asked me, "Yo', would you like to buy some weed?" and I said, "My dad hates weeds..." The black boy got a little frusturated and said, "No, like drugs." That's when I got scared and said, "That's illegal...." But being the child he was he said, "Not if no one sees you doing it." Me being a child myself took this hint too seriously and decided to ask, "I don't have any money, can I try?" and the kid allows me a few hits off a little joint. Well, the teachers are rounding everyone up off the playground, and I go inside, baked as a mother, and I'm sitting in class laughing my ass off at everthing the teacher says. Fortunately for me, she thought I was only being the child I was, acting how children do. *I win*
    18. Jimbodawg
      [Today 11:25 PM] Jimbodawg: It was magical.
      [Today 11:25 PM] Jimbodawg: When I was in Kindergarten, I liked this girl, and I had this little pillow the size of a CD the shape of a heart and I would talk to it and she'd talk back.
    19. Roche178
      No need to say sorry it was completely justified but that does not mean I wont be a ****.
    20. MONKEYDEATH3730
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