Uc Gollum
Last Activity:
Nov 12, 2014 at 5:06 AM
Jun 7, 2008
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The boiling depths of Mount Mordor; Salem, OR
Still in School

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Uc Gollum

Ancient, from The boiling depths of Mount Mordor; Salem, OR

Senior Member
Uc Gollum was last seen:
Nov 12, 2014
    1. XDAO SoX
      XDAO SoX
      I'm not sure if that would work the best. I am working friday immediatly after school, and all day saturday. Our best times are during the week because we dont have anything planned. Other than that i think sunday might be possible, but my partner is moving late this week so not sure. Ill find out.
    2. Smeagle
      Well, I'm working on one right now, although I never released a serious project before. And yes, I was previously FRESH PLASMA. But my current gamertag is Smeagleton.
    3. Boyle06
      look wat happened to me n blaski45's match lol group6....

      he nvr mad a verdict... it Counterphobia (US) vs. ShutterStep (them) he locked it nvr stating a winner tho i think its pretty clear
    4. XDAO SoX
      XDAO SoX
      Okay well since we are in the winners bracket, we have a week off. I'm sure that Friday night of next week would work perfectly. We are central time so we are 2 hours ahead of you I believe
    5. Lunatic Lawyer
      Lunatic Lawyer
      I should. It would be funny.
    6. DeathToll77
      so you have a gamvee acount because we want a member that can embedd in the group
    7. Ferretness
      very way back. But thanks anyway
    8. Ferretness
      In responce to your rep comment. First, thank you.

      and second. My point is that if you had enough tornadoes. That would eventually happen, and as there are an infinite number of planets (of the infinite course of time) it theoretically should occur.
    9. DeathToll77
      thats perfectly ok
    10. DeathToll77
      u know on the xbox right?
    11. DeathToll77
      send a frind request to Breakers Guild if you want to join
    12. MadMaxZH55
      yea that would be a good time UNLESS if i have football pratice if not that should be good but is there anyway possibly Saturday cause i haven't even had time to play the map. My email is zack60@gmail.com i'm on that email at school or most of the time if you can't catch me here.
    13. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Alright, I have the exact same schedule, except it is subject to change because of homework. Friday should be the best time (after school) You are in the Central Time zone if i am correct? I am in the Pacific Time zone (2 hours behind you). So I should be able to play around 5:00 pm your time on Friday.
    14. MadMaxZH55
      "Soggy bottom Boys" Hey my GT is "Master Madd Max" and my partner is my brother "R0ad Razor" Our other account is "Itz Bucky". i have school during the week but can play Friday afternoon, Saturday (anytime) and sunday morning
    15. Boyle06
      alright see you later than good luck with the homework n illl be on tom. if i dont go to carn.
    16. Boyle06
      see ya good luck
    17. Boyle06
      i will def. be there anxious to see what uve come up w/ this time...
    18. Boyle06
      how did u come across me? u will have to see it it is smaller than urban and a simple ACTION PACKED map... like idk if teabagging is possible do to shrapnel lodged into your back b4 ur pant go down LOL... here sneek peek


      thats all u can haz tell u test it on fri okay okay be there lol...
    19. Boyle06
      hey... nice to see u found me lol...
      have u seen my new map yet???
      i co-hosted w/ STC Blaski45... itz epic win post coming soon working on kinks and vid. 1st
    20. ThPerfectDrug77
      hey man, i remember checkin out a map of yours a while back and likin it. i just posted one the other day, maybe you'd like to check it out. THE GRID
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  • About

    The boiling depths of Mount Mordor; Salem, OR
    Still in School
    UC Gollum
    What's in your pocketses? Robotics, Programming, Video Games, Badminton


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