Sweet. now all you need is to get pankration and squared circle featured, and you will get loyal PREMIUM!!!! :O :O !! And I will get Black Cat Magic featured, and i will get gametype premium!!!
you're like all purple now. Even before you had your joker friend and now you are loyal so you are like super purple
i couldve gotten it from just the purple suit lol yeah i just look aweful... and not in that lame "theyre forcing me to give up my awesome individuality" way. Its just uncomfortable and i look goofy. lol WOOO for seeing Manda all dressed up nice though :D
not even a suit, khakis and ****. i hate all that ****. i look honestly, awkward. not even good. If i looked good in it, i wouldnt care. And i dont drink by choice due to past events that have changed my life in terrible ways. i dont care what others due so long as it doesnt effect me. there were times when i did drink, and alot. However, it was not my drinking that ruined it for me, but several others. Plus, im too damn cool.
Talkin to the wrong person man. lol I dont drink, and im of legal age. Plus i hate dressing in anything but jeans and a band shirt. Im off to chop off my hair again too. Bleh.
lol, im sleeping the same amount, just changing when i do it. why dont YOU stay on till 4am and talk to ME when its normal daytime hours?! HUH!?! lol, alright, im off to get ready for the crapfest of a wedding.