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Jul 21, 2022 at 4:15 PM
Jan 26, 2008
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May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
Cheshire/North West, England B
Dalai Farmer

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Ancient, from Cheshire/North West, England B

Senior Member
buddhacrane was last seen:
Jul 21, 2022
    1. GCLimited
      hey budda whats up i have seen your maps and i was wondering how long they took you and if you can please comment on one of my maps called MLG chamber thanks i want to know what a exsperiance forger think of it :D
    2. buddhacrane
      Or you could just send me one...
    3. HLG Wave
      HLG Wave
      Send me a friend request to my new forgehub account
    4. ScarFac3d
      Why Hallo Thar Good Sir!
    5. Mental
      I posted on that... lol kinda funny i just made fun of him on my post- he was really ignorant saying that its "Bungie's Forgehub" and that the maps were on "Favorites" LOLOLOLOLOL
    6. buddhacrane
      lololol. I should take out insurance on everything I make from now on. Literally everything I've made has been stolen. Well, except Corruption, no one cares about that map!

      Thanks for letting me know though, it's always amusing to comment on their "work"

      Actually I can't be bothered registering, lol. Anyhoo they never took out the credits so technically I guess it's not stealing, they never said they actually made it and the proof is still there that it was I.

      Cheers for the heads up though
    7. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Someone took your vid, man.

      Gametrailers.com - Out of Bungie's ForgeHub Maps! by Pedobears
    8. buddhacrane
      It's just an animated gif. I used Jasc Animation shop but I'm sure there are waaaaaaaaaay easier tools out there. Simply get a bunch of pictures and stick them together as an animated gif.
    9. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Hey can you teach me how to make the slideshow in your sig?
    10. buddhacrane
      They're just for aesthetics, as little lights to signifiy the entrances to the tunnels. Much like the powerups merged into the walls. They just help to give the map some style.

      To get them under there I just had a box spawn on them whilst I was holding them on the ground, this forced them completely under the map, I then saved the map and did the same thing to myself so that I could fly around under the map as the monitor. Once both myself and the weapon holder were under the map I just positioned it where I wanted it to be and it automatically pokes through enough for you to see it.
    11. Jebus1001
      I'm completely stumped... The geomerged weapon holders on Corruption are puzzling me... What are they for? I haven't played it in a while and when I did I was being shot by my friends but I don't remember them holding any weapons, so what's their purpose? Also, how did you geomerge them anyway?
    12. buddhacrane
      It's Q'd and I'll try to find time to check it out tomoz
    13. evan12075
    14. Mental
      As if its making any progress.......LoL
    15. Vengeful C
      Vengeful C
      Hey Buddha, Love your maps can't wait for the map you Gamer and thecartographer are making.
    16. HandiCappKill3r
      hey, i joined your group of getting out of maps
    17. buddhacrane
      Yeah I know, it's a crazy world!
    18. Mental
      LoL.... i was looking through the competative map section and Distortion was on the First Page, but Corruption isnt
    19. buddhacrane
      cool, I look forward to the read!
    20. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Hey, I got a game on Corruption FINALLY... I'll post a juicy detailed reply later though... I got to run on halo now. >_<
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  • About

    May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Cheshire/North West, England B
    Dalai Farmer
    I'm a badger with Necrotizing fasciitis (You're so gonna look up what that is on Wiki!)

    Disturbing your mind, soul, body, aura and general well-being


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