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Jun 28, 2011 at 10:45 PM
Jul 18, 2008
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Ancient, from California

Senior Member
crazyzebu was last seen:
Jun 28, 2011
    1. crazyzebu
      Thank you!
    2. Linubidix
      Click the button next to the quote button. That is multi quote.
      Once you've gotten all the posts you'd like to quote, hit post reply.
    3. crazyzebu
    4. TNF
      Crazyzebu: "It seems that forgehub has become a place for people to say that a mediocre map is amazing just to get good rep. And those same people believe it's their duty to bad rep anyone who says something negative about a poorly made map..."

      Good point, I really agree with you.
    5. crazyzebu
      did what again, you tea sipping ******!
    6. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      see you did it again the mind of an american, i wonder what it is like
    7. crazyzebu
      I guess british people can't spell either, sad =(
    8. crazyzebu
      dunno, but your a ****.
    9. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      why did you post it on your own profile

      lolz and also british people own americans all of use can see are feet
    10. crazyzebu
      I am not against british people at all, I just find it irritating when a bunch of winy 6 year olds with accents ruin my game.

      Your rediculously immature comments only insult your own country...
    11. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      you are gay why did you say this six year old british map i am british i spit in your face

      BTW that is why i hate americans
    12. crazyzebu
      I'm trying to be more thoughtful with my posts...
    13. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      I'm starting to respect you now, you are making well-thought out posts and giving great ideas and thoughts on the maps thread "Viashino." You 4r3 n0t BK 4nym04r. =]
    14. crazyzebu
      I totally get it squid, that was my fault. It wont happen again!
    15. Lord Terrax XII
      Lord Terrax XII
      Most users would still consider it necrobumping... It's long enough that no one wants to see it anymore.
    16. squidhands
      You can criticize a map all you want, I could care less. Just don't regurgitate what's been said before in almost the same way. Be a little more creative in your approach on critiques, it certainly doesn't seem like you have a lack of vocabulary like some of the other tools that just post "gameplay looks great from the pictures" or "try checking the forums before u embark on a useless journey". Asinine comments like that don't do the guy any good on how he can improve his forging skills or give the guy any credit for embarking on a thorough project like that, regardless of whether you like it or not.
    17. Lord Terrax XII
      Lord Terrax XII
      Tiz cool... Just look through the rules and it says what is the necrobumping limit for each forum... The G & A one is 2 weeks I believe and the last one was like 17 days before yours. Anyway just don't do it again plz.
    18. crazyzebu
      no, thank you again again
      wat now??!!!
    19. xFr1ct10nx
    20. xFr1ct10nx
      thx i apreciate itz. seriously download it, i now it aint the best asthetically made but the gameplay is fantastic!
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    farm work
    I am obsessed with zebus and the # 42

    surfing, forging, relaxing, eating