Murdock Sampson
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15y 37w ago
Jun 26, 2008
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June 7
I sit and do nothing. All days

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Murdock Sampson

Ancient, from Nearby

Senior Member
Murdock Sampson was last seen:
Jun 29, 2009
    1. Linubidix
      rofl, then keep you in the dark I shall.
      Only thing I'll tell you, if you didnt already.
      If it says I'm viewing thread and it's unnamed, it means I'm looking at stuff you cannot access. If you didnt already know that. I figured it out quite some time ago.
    2. Linubidix
      No, I'm fine.

      As I said, we're cool.

      But that doesnt mean I'll leak you information.
    3. Linubidix
      Orly, I had Iv0ry lock the fuster cluck map pack a few weeks ago.

      None I can think of, um...
      Geometry wars 2, Poker Smash is a blast.
    4. Linubidix
      nah, it's cool. We're cool.
      None other new loyals I know of.
      I would've got it about 18 hours ago.
    5. KB
      I just got two stars =]
    6. KB
    7. KB
      alright :sadface: so to get stars just be active in the guild (e.g. IRC, test alot, give helpful advice)
    8. KB
      hey when can you promote me? I am in liek the group with the people who NEVER test. I think I deserve the promotion but then again, it isn't up to me =p
    9. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      Murdock Sampsonite?
      Once i get muh xbox back well forge once again lawl

      Your welcome
    10. Mastar
    11. Wood Wonk
      Wood Wonk
      sure, i'll get on.
      GT same as name
    12. Wood Wonk
      Wood Wonk
      you good for the interview, probably before 10
    13. Pegasi
      Hey man, you up for a little forging?
    14. KB
      YES!!!!!!!! Got my IRC working with Chatzilla
    15. Mastar
      Orly? Why thats?
    16. Pegasi
      Sounds good man, shall I come online around 4/5pm EST tomorrow then?
    17. Wood Wonk
      Wood Wonk
      ok 8-10 works for me
    18. Pegasi
      Umm, I'm busy doing 2v2 threads tonight as you've probably seen, but I don't have anything planned tomorrow from about 4/5pm EST till about 7/8pm. The night afterwards I'm out with my friends, but Thursday night I'm free for about the same time, probably starting earlier as well. On friday I go up to uni and start term the following monday, so I'll be busy for a few days around then, but we should get some hardcore forging done before then so we have something to show. I reckon we should be able to get the bulk of the basic construction done pretty quickly once we work out how its all gonna fit together
    19. Wood Wonk
      Wood Wonk
      im kind of gettin destroyed by homework right now. i just keep checkin this every so often. can you do it any time tomorrow, 3:00-4:30 EST is best for me, but 8-10 also works.
    20. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      look at the navigational bar at the top of the page underneath the banner. right next to "Log Out" there should be something that says "IRC"