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Jan 21, 2008
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May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
South Australia

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Ancient, from South Australia

Senior Member
Linubidix was last seen:
Sep 12, 2019
    1. thesilencebroken

      im using that new glitched map where nothing is spawned yet. it'll be sweet.

      and if you delete anything on me, ill murder you. :)
    2. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      is that good? cause yours is either 60 or a hundred and ten, I can't tell...
    3. thesilencebroken
      **** that noise, im doing collabs so i have LESS work to do. :D
    4. thesilencebroken
      im not referring to usual, im referring to now lol

      ill be starting it after i finish up the rest of Excoriate, and then ill send you what i got. Then we begin the long and tedious road of finishing it... cause it's gonna take awhile.
    5. thesilencebroken
      eh, could end up being semi-symmetrical. who knows. i got little tiny ideas, nothing more. it all happens once i start placing objects. you're trying to plan subconciously, and im gonna have to ignore those efforts :D
    6. thesilencebroken
      we'll see. weapon planning only gets you so far cause everything changes. lol

      and your layout ideas, will be shattered, guaranteed. I had a far different plan for excoriate... and it turned out way awesomer.
    7. thesilencebroken
      the sword was in my last two maps, but always gets removed last minute :(

      any weapon in the list is fine really with those exceptions. Its all about what works.

      and you know damn well im gonna have a shotgun.
    8. thesilencebroken
      theres many. heres ones i dislike passionately:

      Fuel Rod Cannon
      Sentinal Beam
      Firebomb Grenades

      Anything beyond that works for me.
    9. thesilencebroken
      somewhat like that. i have a basic way im gonna go about the main part of foundry. Im gonna start in the center of the far wall [away from the halls] and build what i can. Im going to be as creative as possible, then when i am finished with that, ill pass off to you. Then when you're good and ready, you pass back to me. I dont want to plan every detail, as it ruins the natural collaborative flow. When its near completion, you should see both of our natural styles collide accidentally.

      It worked flawlessly and effortlessly with Blaze, and i wanna keep that pattern.
    10. thesilencebroken
      more like this.

      this would be entirely different though, cause id want the rest of the map to be more open kind of. so i guess essentially, itd be similiar to the tunnel in vertebraille.
    11. thesilencebroken
      lol, i usually like to put my name second anyways.

      i want to merge open boxes into that platform with the stairs infront of the hall, so that you enter the hall from the double box, completely bypassing the "bases". Additionally, i want to geomerge actual walls [not fence] into the hall to cut off the side rooms, so that its just a hall forming a U. Other than that, i got little to nothing. I dont even know how id pull all that off. lol
    12. thesilencebroken
      haha, its cool man. once excoriate gets posted, i start on our map. :D whether you like it or not. i got ideas. it'll be rough though lol

      How does "Redeemer" sound? Its the album by norma jean AFTER the one ive been taking names from. :D
    13. thesilencebroken
      id probably murder you.

      check out my new thread in offtopic about theme songs.
    14. thesilencebroken
      good luck. wheres your finished map to back it? muahaha
    15. thesilencebroken
      muahahahahaha. ;)
      It depends on what you call decent pictures? lol. When it was posted I was just getting up for school, but I knew that it would be different for other people in timezones. Decent porn pictures? You so funny, Linubidix. lol.
    17. thesilencebroken
      unfortunately, it is not.

      i got a bunch of stuff to fix anyways, maybe you'll be able to play that version :D
    18. Chipsinabox
      Lol, I'm quite busy most of the time while on the computer.
    19. halo kid
      halo kid
      K,see ya.and tecks has 19,something
    20. halo kid
      halo kid
      dont tell me,nemi
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  • About

    May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
    South Australia
