Last Activity:
May 8, 2009 at 11:16 PM
Apr 16, 2008
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Ancient, from Just Ask Your Mom

Senior Member
MadMaxZH55 was last seen:
May 8, 2009
    1. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      I haven't practiced either =P. I can only play on weekends, and sometimes i am not allowed (yeah, it's stupid), so my best time would be Friday sometime (preferably earlier). If we have to do it Saturday, I will try my best to be on at the specified time. CST is 2 hours ahead of me right? just checking.
    2. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Alright, I have the exact same schedule, except it is subject to change because of homework. Friday should be the best time (after school) You are in the Central Time zone if i am correct? I am in the Pacific Time zone (2 hours behind you). So I should be able to play around 5:00 pm your time on Friday.

      Try to check around that time, i deleted your message and then noticed you had email on it...
    3. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Hey, I am the team leader of Team Minty Fresh. We should be facing you in the next round. My GT is Uc Gollum and my teammate is Ticca Tac 2. I should be available Sunday the 14th, and then next weekend (19th, 20th, and 21st/friday, saturday, & sunday).

      (I cannot play during the week)

      Please send me a PM or visitor message on FH or Xbox Live.
    4. Cryptokid
      Ya max well srry about your power and or anything else but you won somehow the BS!
    5. Cryptokid
      Hey what ur GT so we can do 2v2?
    6. ace3496
      hey dude could i be a tester plz man?
    7. CD95 v2
      CD95 v2
      hi here is one of my creations [IMG]
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    Just Ask Your Mom
    Halo 3
    Master Madd Max
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