Hey just saw your new map, about to go through a forge on it. If you want to test it out later so I can give some good feedback on it, tell me and I'll send you an invite.
And also, He did'nt even change the original pictures, Like what MLG Ninja done on his so called map Air Raid V2. Why do people do these things? If I was going to steal a map (Not that I'm going to) Then I would try to get some players to play and test the map with me, Then, Take pictures, Go onto B.net, Save them all, Upload them to photobucket, then paste the image code onto Forgehub. I've done it so many time's before, I know ALWAYS how to do it. It's simple. =]
Hey Linibudix, How did you find the original thread to Dead Centre? I was looking for that for about half an hour last night. I'm amazed that you found the original thread with ease.
I'z wunderin if you can help me with my wepon placment tumaro,I alredy got mostly how I want it,just a tidbit of an adjustment here and there
musta took 4eva.In case your wondering I'll try to post my map,but its not so good.(and I'm not bein modest)