pfft... that's easy... it's convincing them you're a singer that's hard... they seem to have an amazing amount of knowledge about all of their celebrities...
Yeah I think I told you about the time I fooled a guy into thinking I was 21 over live... maybe Americans just mature MUCH later than Australians...
Oh I snuck into that underage... it's really easy when you've got the looks of a 16 year old and the voice of a 17 year old...
wow... weird... that's kinda like at PATD, my friends and I were separated from my dad in seating (we were in mosh, he was in box) and my other friends from school had box tickets... they ended up being in the same box as my dad, which was awkward, but it got worse when Hannah (a friend I've known for 8 years now) started making out with her boyfriend in the row infront of my dad... boy that was awkward...
Really? I've been to heaps, best one has to have been RHCP though... they were ****ing crazy. I don't really go to things like wrestling, they don't interest me much...
yeah, I recently got free tix to panic at the disco (only cause they were free) and Foo Fighters, but the most annoying thing ever is my dad got free tickets to Queens of the stone age, we turned up, then they rejected me cause I was under 18 =[[[[[[[[
Layla by Clapton... not to be racist, but all the asians at my school are taking commerce (business maths) which was totally predictable. As for celebs, well my dad's in the music industry, I get free tix to the Arias most years.
Australian Studies? why? We're 200 years old and have little to no history, we're a giant desert in the centre with a big rock that people worship... what's to study? lol
I found out a couple of days ago that next year we get to spend an entire term researching the matrix in English, and we learn Kung-Fu in Elective geography. My English teacher this year on the other hand seems intent on giving us homework everyday, even if it is completely irrelevant to the subject we're studying... and my design teacher is my friends mum, so she picks on me alot =[[[
oooh I love Kickapoo! anyway, I have some major stuff due in the next week, I've got a geography assignment that is 5 pages, a 2000 word English essay, the Arts Review, a model of the digestive system... everything... an we get to eat yum cha in chinese... wow, now I get a different song, comfortably numb by pink Floyd...
I was thinking more along the lines of - Renewal: Cause you ain't seen anything ****ing like this before. or something along those lines, and another coincidence, I too am typing up annoyingly long piece of text, except mines my fine arts study assignment...
semi-coincidence (not really): I'm listening to music too, but it's much softer, RHCP... I feel like such a loser... oh well, it's fun. I'm almost finished completely revamping the map I was working on that you saw, the one with the huge arch and all...
lol, link me when you're done, you can post it now really, it wouldn't make much difference. hell it'd probably drown during a high traffic moment, seeing as it wouldn't have many comments, therefore noobs would look past it...
yepyep, i haven't done anything like it in over a year. My gf called and woke me up around 2:50 because she thought i was dead. lolol it still feels like morning and it's 8 pm