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Dec 30, 2010 at 8:46 PM
Sep 7, 2008
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Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
student in highschool

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Ancient, from Earth

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Crusadermike was last seen:
Dec 30, 2010
    1. Stratigon13
      oh and Mike (Snake not Crusaider) that hair thing is actually kinda cool. Its just awesome i dont no y but it is.
    2. Stratigon13
      yeah i to save money u might want to change the starting areas i have idea about that. You could also interlock those bridges so it would take less of them. u should have the cannons spawn towards the end of the game like 1 min before game over. So yeah i could help u block it off and stuff if u put it on ur share ill see what i can do. Altho prolly wont be able to get on till monday because my sis is a brat and never lets me play
    3. Crusadermike
      yeah that would be cool. too bad at our public schools u cant wear hats unless u pay and its hat day. maybe if you were bald you could, but i haven't heard of it. it'd be cool if we could wear sunglasses :) cuz i look coooool with some red shades. xD
    4. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      its actually pretty cool, i cant have lice, i dont need haircuts, i dont need to shampoo it. and i get to wear a hat to school. everyone says i should be a swimmer, because they have to shave theyre arms and legs and stuff. but none of my friends care. theyre used to it.
    5. Crusadermike
      wow that's deep and awesome man. who can complain about having bad hair when u could think atleast i have no hair! some people may need to think like that. having no hair isn't necesarrily a bad thing either, depends on ur likes and ur perspective. hey but that's cool i guess.
    6. Stratigon13
      wow. sorry i had to get off like that my sis was being gay and kiked me off. :) oh well. Shes going to a movie in a little bit so ill get back on
    7. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      i have no hair. i have alapeisha. (seriously) my imune system doesnt allow hair to grow, so i have no visible hair on my arms, head, legs, etc. .cept for eyelashes. it gets tough sometimes, with all of the staring and steriotyping, but if you look at it juuuuust right, its really a gift in disguise.
    8. Stratigon13
      yeah he really has a twin. it used to be pretty hard to tell them apart but then they started to be easier and easier to tell apart and now since his bro dyed his hair its uber easy
    9. Crusadermike
      lol that's funny, at school i'm michael but at church some people call me mike. XD
    10. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      and at school, people call me Mike, not Michael. this is scary. i need a puppy to hug...
    11. Crusadermike
      and me and my bro got the same b-day xD
    12. Crusadermike
      lol same here sean, well except i got on when i got home checked msgs, but coool nice job sean! apparently u got on forgehub around 10 tho lol. and yeah metallic that's awesome, btw i have a twin brother lol but we look a little different, plus he dyed his hair blonde, so w/e. praise God :)
    13. Stratigon13
      I didn't play halo at all today my creepy addiction is less creepy!
    14. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      btw my birthday is one day earlier than yours? MUHAHAHA!!! isnt that freeky, we both have the same name, the same commitment to lifestyle and faith in the good Lord Almighty, and our birthdays are 1 day apart.
    15. Crusadermike
      alrighty good night
    16. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      for the read white and blue. i like it. America rox FTW awesomeness foshizle in the ferizle hizak 4eva!!! yea. i regret nothing.......
    17. Crusadermike
      man after being on ur website reminds me of mine i need to keep up with it, hah God had it happen eh, well amen guys really nice meeting u and i got a goal to keep with my sleeping cya unless u msg me ill keep staying on lol its cool
    18. Crusadermike
      oh by the way how you like the colors? xD
    19. Crusadermike
      yeah alrighty i got on it ok lol imma head to bed soon, imma make a shortcut on my desktop :) cya guys around!
    20. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      amen. *sighs* off to homework i gooooo!!!!!
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  • About

    Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
    student in highschool
    I'm a Christian and that's rly who i am



    Hey i'm a Christian you can talk to me if you want! Here's my testimony, and if u want to contact me or know more about me u can go to
    Remember God is holy holy holy!