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Dec 30, 2010 at 8:46 PM
Sep 7, 2008
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Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
student in highschool

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Ancient, from Earth

Senior Member
Crusadermike was last seen:
Dec 30, 2010
    1. darth ky
      darth ky
      yea dude. you really do. i have a website you should check out. i'll pm you.
    2. Crusadermike
      thank you too mike, well i think im gonna get off now and head for bed. "early to bed, early to rise makes am an healthy wealthy and wise" just a saying but lol i really ought to do it more cuz im convicted of not getting much sleep and procrastinated homework in the school year. ahh but not today! so ill see ya later ok and add you when i remember to get on and do that. alrighty good night, good life, good eternity! amen.
    3. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      well, im ok with you posting on my conversation, it was gonna come out when i posted my next map anyways, better my friends find out now sooner than later, but its something i so strongly believe in, that my lifestyle is reflecting from it. but i shouldnt be sad, and im not, its good ive found another friend, and i will speak to you as long as you like, ive learned much in 2 years, and id like someone to talk to about these things. say "view conversation" and then type in your thoughts, so i can recieve them on my page. thank you mike, its good i know someone so pumped up about Him.
    4. Crusadermike
      thx, u too i guess lol
    5. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      i really respect that, shows you have your priorities in the right order.
    6. Crusadermike
      thx man, but through Christ u can do anything! don't worry man!
    7. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      hehe, yea, i like how your so immersed in the word, and so freely express it openly and withough hesitation, i wish i had such courage. i read your paragraph.
    8. Crusadermike
      :) God's up! why you ask and i answer because i was using a slang phrase that usually refers to "what significant events by your judgement have been taking place in a certain amount of time that you use your judgement on, being near, to tell me about if you willed to" is what i meant. mmmmmm maybe i should've specified it! loool im just kidding, eh but that's cool u took it like that.
    9. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      whats up? -the cieling, the sky, the fan, the roof, a cloud, a bird, and a flying dachshund. why?
    10. xpistolxwhipper
      hey rushikazy, this is pistol
    11. Crusadermike
      hey this is for all you guys viewing my profile, u can talk to me on xboxlive "Rushikazy" or aim or msn or on here and just know i'm a Chrisitan and i'm willing to talk to any of you guys about God Almighty of Whom i should be unworthy to even talk about considering i'm a sinner and God is God! so please pray with God, get in His Word, or do whatever you need to do if the Holy Spirit puts it on your heart! ok thanks for reading it whoever you are and know God loves you and knows you're a precious person in His eyes and He loves you so much that as sinner he physically came to earth as a man named Jesus who was God and physically man but also powerfully God, Who took the crucifixion as His physical death to be an offering to God for he's all powerful and wise and righteous and justiceful and paid the price for His creation! us! because we are all sinners and no matter what fall short of His glory. just know God is God and he created all of us so we'd glorify His Name (Isaiah 43:7) and spread His Word and live our lives for Him! and God yet will always deserve more cuz there's nothing we can do, God's just that great and good and perfect and only asks this of us! thanks for reading, God bless you Godwillingly and know he loves you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
    12. Crusadermike
      awwwwwwwwwwww or tnmt = sean is soooooooo roarish and i know im not sticking to tnmt format but ok, anyways my word roar and roarish or roarified or whatever to roar (my bro's word too! and well God's too i guess considering he owns life itself and is life!) anyways its just a word i use to mean whaaaaaaatevvvvverrrrrrrrrr i want. typically a roar roar would be a silly guy or a moron or a joking moron/silly joking moron/ person, but i wouldn't mean moron in the since of moron but as in someone being silly! lol, contracdictious eh? if that's a word. ok well tnmt is cool in myyyyy opinion. oh by the way it's actually tmnt not tnmt lol. that's alright ok cya later sean.
    13. Stratigon13
      tnmt? teenage ninja mutant turtles, or terorizing nasty malesting tutus
    14. Crusadermike
      well actually the show was ok... kirby is better oh yeah kirby right back at ya and tnmt and i still like to watch them a little
    15. Crusadermike
      yeah one piece baby! that show rocked, wow im responding on my own visitor page is that right? ok cool sean thx for the congratzzzzzz
    16. Stratigon13
      Hey mike glad to see you made it to FH in one piece
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    Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
    student in highschool
    I'm a Christian and that's rly who i am



    Hey i'm a Christian you can talk to me if you want! Here's my testimony, and if u want to contact me or know more about me u can go to
    Remember God is holy holy holy!