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Mar 31, 2016 at 9:35 PM
Mar 18, 2008
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Sep 23, 1993 (Age: 31)
Wales, uk

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Ancient, from Wales, uk

Senior Member
DRiSCOLL was last seen:
Mar 31, 2016
    1. Pegasi
      Sounds cool, and don't worry bout it, looks like a great map for gameplay.

      Could I ask a cheeky favour as well? My friend I SeNTiNeL I (he was the guy who made Clive with me) saw my sig and now he's jealous. Would you be able to do a DBZ vegeta sig for him?
    2. Pegasi
      Man those pics show off the map even better, I really love the little curved 3 box jumping bit. And the mixing of fence walls and walls into one piece is real nice too, looks good and is very playable. I'ma have to throw this into to my party when I do TGIF.

      Thanks as well, we finally got it posted, its been kinda slow going toward the end. I'm glad we did though, we had a few testers guild games and they were a blast. Waiting to see what people think..
    3. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      I thought you were working on the BFM stuff?
    4. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      No it happened to me ..
      I clicked repair like 4 times then it worked =]
    5. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      you back? =]
    6. Pegasi
      I think that only coloured ranks can host TGIF, but you should come into my party when I do, I'd like to discuss the maps with you.
    7. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      right come on msn =]
    8. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      YouTube - GHOSTBUSTERS CONCLUSION (PART 3) - Angry Video Game Nerd

      new AVGN lololol its pretty good :P
    9. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      lol ill post in it =] what happened to horizon v2?
    10. Pegasi
      message? Here or on live? I checked out your map btw and its pretty sweet, got lotsa the nice clean structures and well sized courtyards that I liked, and I always love those sexy angled-geomerged double boxes. I'm writing something up right now, but I'll get round to posting on the thread when I have time, please bug me about it if I appear to have forgotten.

      And I'm tired but not too bad, you?
    11. thesilencebroken
      haha, ultra pimp. only not really.

      ill review your map after ive had time to play on it.
    12. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Dude can you come online please =]
      I can't seem to speak to you when your offline? :/
    13. Pegasi
      Nice, that was a pretty damn fun game. But Enferno kept screwing me over at every turn, that is unforgivable. We should get some more games in sometime, wana join in when I get my new connection and finally start hosting TGIF?
    14. A SouthPark Kid
    15. Bottlecap
      No, I am not the one wh0 is to review it. I'm glad though, Bad posture was terrible. It was just incredibly flawed in layout, weapons, design and gameplay, and spawns.
    16. E93
      Yeah, I am reviewing that. I'll prob have it done by tonight.

      Oh, and yeah, it's pathetic how easy it is to get out, lol.
    17. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Did uget my request?
    18. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      but it worked beeforee?
    19. Pegasi
      not bad at all, my parents are away for a week so I have a nice free house. You?
    20. T3chnomonkey
      probably best on my team. HS JV, Ill play Varsity next year
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  • About

    Sep 23, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Wales, uk
    19 years old, at my 5 year anniversary here at forgehub. (02-28-2008) Its been a good 5 years, and I feel i've matured a lot since than. I guess I get along with everyone so theres a big chance you will see me on xbl. Believe it or not, I've learned a lot from this website. I DJ part time and bar tend, but currently at Uni studying Graphic design.
    -Reveiew hub member
    -TGIF Host

    Recieve loyal 31-3-2009

    Forgehub, Forge, music, sk8boarding, Art, Gimp



    | Horizonv3 | ​

    > Maps coming soon <