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May 2, 2010 at 6:58 AM
Jul 21, 2008
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Norwich & Plymouth, England

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Ancient, from Norwich & Plymouth, England

Senior Member
I SeNTiNeL I was last seen:
May 2, 2010
    1. Pegasi
      slow, as always. But its only half as many as last time, so should be better.
    2. DRiSCOLL
      i use gimp 2.4, ive never used phot impact bu there must be allot of tutorials arround
    3. DRiSCOLL
      thnks and dont worry about it have it all controled, pegasis a good friend :)
    4. Ryan. K.
    5. SwiNst0N
      Willy ou m arrym e? :)
    6. I No Quarter I
    7. Aimless Ant
      Aimless Ant
      Hey man, if you are on right now i have a new level and i am lookin for someone to test it with me. IM gonna send you a Freind request on live, accept it if you are interested
    8. Aimless Ant
      Aimless Ant
      I think i understand you, but i dont see how it would help. I would be glad to meet on live if you want. If i were to set 6 spawn areas, would they be set to neutral?
    9. Aimless Ant
      Aimless Ant
      I though spawn areas ALWAYS prioritized the spawns inside them, making respawnig near someone more likely. If someone kills you near where you spawned, then you just pop back up in the same area again, which is a problem. I know that they are good on objective games but i have never had any good experiences with them of slayer games. And if i were to use them for FFA, i would need a lot to cover the 8 or so people that might be playing. When you say sink them into the ground, do you mean lower the lower boundary or merge them into the ground. And what does that accomplish? I think since the level only has 6 areas, if you have 6 people you are going to be likely to espawn near another player no matter what. Its a drawback of small maps, which is why i placed respawns behind cover.
    10. Aimless Ant
      Aimless Ant
      I spent a good amount of time working through the spawns, what exactly were the issues? If they can be fixed i am all ears. Oh by the way, most of my maps are less than 2 weeks old, i am new to this site. So most should not be dead. I had two on the front page this morning.
    11. Hazza
      Competition..? Nah your posts are at least 3 paragraps of utter brilliance longer than mine
    12. Rhys J Mitchell
      Rhys J Mitchell
      No my first map was British Bulldog. The review was very helpful I think I gave you positive rep it must be a nice change to get positive rep for a mostly negative review! I'm redoing the map now but I'm having trouble with the weapons, I don't want to overload the map with power weapons but at the same time I want lots of weapons and lots of variety. If you have any tips that would be great!

      I cant remember if you said it or not but I also made it a bit more close combat by constricting the main open room.
    13. Hazza
      No prob mate - yours are much better anyway
    14. J A Y
      J A Y
      That's pretty much what we are trying to do and at the same time trying to raise the quality of the map description. Tomorrow I will get Linubidix to send you a invite into the social group.
    15. J A Y
      J A Y
      I really liked your post in the The grid map. Linubidix and I have made a little group called map descriptions. What we do is help people with there description of the map. They then post it in their thread and give credit to us for it. What I am trying to say is are you interested in doing something like this?
    16. FreshCherry
      hell yea!!!!!!!!
    17. evan12075
      lol, you deserved the rep... and i dont give it out too often.
    18. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      good, it looks great, Im really looking forword to giving it a test with out. Im going out for a few ill be back on in a bit to hit you up with a friend request on live. :P
    19. Hazza
      I thought about that a bit but it wasn't too bad that I had to mention it. Silly software... I think it would look better if the colours on Goku were brighter, unless you like the darker effect.
    20. Hazza
      No probs, it's what introductions are for :D
      Yeah, I like your avatar much more than your last one and the signature is great too. For a first time at graphics, its quite good!
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    Norwich & Plymouth, England
    I SeNTiNeL I
    Never any good with these sections. I dunno what you want to know?

    Gaming, sports you know all the standards. I do a lot of things


    "The more you know, the more you know you ought to know"