Orgazmo is both not as bad and way worse than superbad in its own ways. Get it asap. You shant regret it. Anyways, im off. night night.
if you pull of posting by your standards regularly, it'll heavily impact the forum. i know that. Orgazmo is one of my favorite movies. Tip... dont watch it with your parents. lol
ah i gotcha. so we settled on being more active in posting on maps made by the little guys. im gonna try to be as active as i can tolerate. its gonna mean downloading alot more maps though. lol
that link you refused to click on? and i mean, ive already downloaded the map, and seen part of the writeup.. might as well save the teleporters for a mini-surprise lol
i can wait till the actual post. id like SOMETHING about it to be new and exciting :D did you watch that trailer?
haha, you said focus on something i hate about it.. hence, the wrestling theme :D but no seriously, i love the map.
haha, then your review will be wrestling themed. and good call on staying out if you've got nothing. its a good example of what you should be.
you'll get my attempt at one, but im not a very good writer. i suck at stretching out comments, unless its cause im really pissed. then i can go on and on. see delete hub pub thread and why we all suck thread for examples. lolz
yeah, but you have to understand, no map will do as good now as it wouldve done a month ago. seriously. the posting is way down.
good call, although, since school started, the chance of your map falling off the first page in a day is unlikely.
theres 2 sub forums, but i cant even remember what they are, and neither has had a new post since i joined the pub.
not that i saw. although, to be honest, i only went as far back as bayonetwork. the feature nominations are all mixed in with the other threads... theres no real organization to it.
well, now its like a democracy. people nominate. people vote. theres a large group of us doing it now. all with different opinions.
so do that? i think Shock needs to announce to the forum exactly how features are picked and selected from. People freak out over features and colored this and hub pub that. Its really a simple and fair process. i was impressed with the unbiasedness when i finally got in it.