Elkan Viel
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Apr 4, 2013 at 2:05 PM
Jun 17, 2008
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Elkan Viel

Ancient, from In the present

Senior Member
Elkan Viel was last seen:
Apr 4, 2013
    1. drak
      i know, i just like saying lololololol really fast a lot on xbox live, and people hate it when i do it, so i want that as my avatar here too XD
    2. Linubidix
      I love the priveleges I have been rewarded. Although I will miss being one of the two Orpheus's
    3. Linubidix
      two days ago.
    4. CHUCK
      when you see the spinning rainbow, or "beach ball" as i call it, it's not a good sign. it means the computer is angry. lol.

      i highly recommend you get a mac. theyre so nice.
    5. CHUCK
      hah, i didnt even know it was in a week. Nice avatar, mac ftw.
    6. Scraggarax
      because I can, and its free.

      oh and it was tewards what the other guy said
    7. Blaski45
      i dont have a clarinet, i just know how to play one cuz my friends have them. im aslo in Jazz band (tenor sax) and im in chamber choir. last year we went to nationals for chamber choir and took 3rd! and the funny thing is that we were mad and depressed because we got 3rd. it's only the 3rd best high school choir in the nation lol! i've been going to solo and ensamble the past 2 years and gone to state both years. first year i got two 1's for sax solo and percussion ensamble. Last year i got two 1's for a sax solo and a quad duet but the best part about the quad duet is that i wrote it! all the judges were so cunfused! they didn't know what to do because they had never seen custom song before!
    8. Blaski45
      I play Tenor Sax, Piano, Marching Snare, Marching bass drum, Quads (Tenors), Clarinet, flute, trumpet, and acustic, bass, and electric guitar! I think thats all of them. Those are the instruments i can play good. I can kind of play trombone and tuba, but i really want to learn how to play Violin or Viola!
    9. E93
      Alright, I'm done with talking to you. Can't understand crap you're trying to say.
    10. KB
      um idk what your rep weight is.... probably one or two....
    11. E93
      Are you retarded? No, seriously? Are you? Can you read, do you need glasses, or something?
      And, for god's sake, learn how to make a sentece! I can't even make up what you were trying to say!
      ''I meant to negative rep me for something you weren't involved in.''

      That makes no sense whatsoever. Please explain what you were trying to say.
    12. E93
      I don't have to be involved in the argument. If I find I ''dissaprove'' the post, I can rep you. Rep is opinion. Deal with it.

      And do you see how stupid you just sounded?

      ''Not because of how much you have, I'm fine with people having a crap load of rep''
      ''Because you used your rep power (4 bars at the time) to negative rep me''
    13. E93
      Dont' avoid the question. On what basis are you calling me a rep *****??
    14. E93
      On what basis are you saying I'm a rep *****?

      Give me some proof?
      Is it my high ammount of rep? Is that it? Am I not allowed to have it?
    15. E93
      Hey, I hear you've been calling me a rep *****. Is that true? Do you enjoy talking behind people's backs? Is it fun? Are you a wuss?

      Next time, got something to say about me, tell me! kay? understood?

      btw, you so failed saying I was a rep *****. Had you read my post, you'd know that Norlinsky was talking about sradkkljllkj whatever his name is.
    16. Bottlecap
      u gain +1 rep power for:
      every 50 points of rep
      every 1000 posts
      every either 6 months or 1 year at forgehub

      also, your negative repping power is only half of your positive
    17. drak
      haha nice, but the fact is still (go and read the portal page, top left, and see the newest announement!)
    18. Jakattak418
      do i know you
    19. Teerav11
      just helping out a friend.
    20. Teerav11
      Forging Sense The Newest Halo forums website made by forgehubbers!!!
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    Elkan Viel

