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Mar 30, 1994 (Age: 30)
Long Island

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Ancient, from Long Island

Senior Member
Pigglez was last seen:
Mar 20, 2011
    1. Bottlecap
      why are thou warned?
    2. Obibital
    3. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      I will on my own time, Sir.
    4. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      At the bottom of this profile message, click "view conversation".

      Start writin', piggy.
    5. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      You never went twice!

      Go, piggy.
    6. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      It's your turn, I posted the below after you left!

      Check the conversation if you don't believe me, lul.
    7. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      The Titan dove into the Hellfury from which spawned him and retrieved the Sands of Time from Lava which hath consumed thy Aaron. The King, unhappy with the misfortune brought upon him, trailed The Titan as best he could, but The Titan had not appeared for many an hour and thus escaped from the fury of Nemi - Kun. The Titan was not lost and arrived at the roulette of wishes, by which he must choose wisely the correct path which shall lead him to what he who enters most desires. Thought an simple challenge in the eyes of those filled with greed, The Titan was unsure of what he truly wished for; The Badger Lord, or thy companion once wrought.
    8. RadiantRain
      YouTube - Pachelbel's canon in D Major - Very nice version

      How does this make you feel. Keep it running on the open tab while browsing or doing whatever your doing.
    9. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      It already failed, nobody ****ing read it.

      I'm gonna post it in The Hub Pub, and find out what other boards will take it. But yeah, it's your turn bub.
    10. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Long. ****ing. Epic. Post.

      We have done a good thing for the people, my friend.
    11. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      I'm composing our stuff into a topic in Off Topic, but keep the replies coming for a second chapter.
    12. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      The King once more in the position of Power chose to gamble fate and offer the Titan Dom a chance of freedom if he could only find the deceased Badger Lord with the dial set to 4 hours. At quick pace the Titan ran with wings on the ankles of the Hero and thy Love Glove Four at his side, and made his way to the Sands of Aaron Tusk, the King's brother, whom stalled the dial by the work of blood and fire. With hope the only thing in their possession, The Titan Dom and Thy Aaron Tusk began their journey to find the once mighty, now vanquished, Zstrike - The Badger Lord.
    13. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      In time, the land had once prospered of the fruits thy lord has bestowed upon ye, but field lay barren with the tearing of the peaceful seal. At once the Kings army was ordered to maim those protesting the arrival, but were vanquished by the combined efforts of The Titan Dom and Zstrike, The Badger Lord. The King and his hellfury hath been sealed in rock and stone, and thus prosperous lands have once again been plentiful to the good people. The Iron Tusk shall rise against, but in such good time the good people have become ignorant and fearless, and thus an easy race to diminish. Bad fortune bestowed, Man must become veiled at once; before the arrival of the Dead Space.
    14. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      And thus the story of the Ra hath begun, and hellfury was to be released upon the good people of the village once more. Shallus has taken the hand of the pure and tainted it with the sorrow of the people under the rule of the King, whilst the Prince shall escape to feilds unknown. All shall be lost yet regained with the returning of, once more, the kind being. When shall the tormenting end, how could this continue still once both sleep and day have fled to the heavens. Answer thy plea, cruel Athens, and take pity upon those trembling.
    15. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Bah, **** the both of you. We could've had an epic meme brewing, but nooooooo.
    16. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      I spend ten minutes writing up something that read well and you come with that comment?

      Ignorant punk.
    17. Tex
      Dom is a weird one.
    18. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      I have read thy palm, and I have foreseen it in a vision; a vision of bred of dark bearings and an ill omen indeed. Pigs of innocence shall weap tears of blood as they run from the King whom shall rule with an Iron Tusk and all humanity shall be brought to the brinks of chaos. Those who've survived such an onslaught as the initial ruling fight amongst those lucky enough to gain an ounce of flour, and crime is amock in streets once paved of gold. Former royalty is now ignored, former orders are now is ruin, and all due to the rule of the Iron Tusk.

      And all will be quelled by the arrival Zstrike, the Badger Lord.
    19. Tex
      like 5 days.
    20. Tex
      He was trying to act like a rebel.
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  • About

    Mar 30, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Long Island

    Halo, Guitar, Writing, filmmaking, GFX



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