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Jun 27, 2009 at 1:03 AM
Aug 6, 2008
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Sesshomuru was last seen:
Jun 27, 2009
    1. minato
      "I am Spartan 117.. Where is Cortana?" Demended Master Cheif
      "Blah! Why should I tell you?" Retorted Gravemind
      "Because the Arbitar will light the Halo." Threatened MC.
      "Bullshit.... The Arbitar would never join you and the other puny humans." Yelled Gravemind.
      "Well you must be talking about a different Arbitar.. Because the one I'm talking about is at the center of the halo about to light the ring." Cheif said back to him.Master Chief takes off a walkie-talkie from his magnetic attachment on his leg and says "Arbitar? This is the chief... I'm here with Gravemind and he doesn't belive that you are on our side... Be ready to light the ring on my count... When I say 3 you light it." Cheif said into the Walkie-Talkie
      "Okay chief.. Just be ready to run like hell when I light the ring..." the Arbiter said back.
      "One...Two...Thr" Master Cheif started to say until he was cut off.
      Okay, Okay, I'll give you Cortana if you can kill all my little friends (The Flood)..." Gravemind made a deal with the Spartan infront of him.
      "Okay.. that's no challenge. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!" Master Cheif said.
      "Glad to..." Gravemind deadpanned.
      "Oh yeah, why don't you bring me on by yourself *****?" Cheif taunted.
      "Because you're not worth fighting." Gravemind taunted back.
      Master Chief brings out a Rocket Launcher and puts a Shotgun on his back... While millions of the Flood come out of nowhere...
      "I just got to make sure I kill the Carrier Form with a gernade so the Popcorn Flood doesn't come out..." Master Cheif muttered to himself.
      "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Rangers attack!!! And some of you turn into Tank form!!!" Gravemind yelled.
      "Oh ****..." Cheif said.
      "AFTER HIM!!!!!!!" Gravemind commanded.
      "Three." Cheif said into the Walkie-talkie.
      "You sure chief?" the Arbiter asked him.
      *Tick.. Tick.. Tick..*
      "Cheif get out of there..." the Arbiter warned.
      "Ugh, got to get out of here..." Cheif muttered.
      'Hmm.. I wonder where the Frigate is?' Cheif thought.
      "CHIEF!!! The Frigate is right outside at Pelican Hill..." Cortana yelled.
      "Okay.. But where are you?" Cheif asked.
      Master Chief looks on the ground and sees a platform with Cortana's body on it
      "Nevermind... Come on!" Cheif said.
      "Chief there isn't enough time..." Cortana responded.
      "Then we'll make time..." Cheif said, remembering what he said on the second Halo.Master Chief and Cortana meet Arbitar at the Frigate.
      "You made it just in time..." The arbiter said.
      Half of the Frigate went crashing into Earth while the other half was left in space
      *Half that went to Earth*
      "What the **** was that?" Seargeant Major Johnson asked.
      The Arbitar comes out of the half-Frigate gasping for air
      "The Chief and Cortana are dead" The Arbiter said with a hoarse voice.
      "Are you ****ing serious?" Johnson yelled.
      "Yes.. but the Flood are gone and the Halo was blown up." The Arbiter responded.
      Later at the memorial
      "We're here today to remember the people who died in the bloody war.. The most important of them are the Cheif, and Cortana..." Johnson said.
      The Arbitar is holding a tissue whipping his eyes.
      You see 117 scratched on the memorial stone.
      Other half of the Frigate that was left in space
      Master Chief is floating around and all the sudden wakes up
      "HOLY **** I'm alive??" The Cheif yellled questioningly.
      "Yeah.. we just barely survived." Cortana respoonded.
      "Well.. let's start this over.." Cheif said omenisouly.
      "What do you mean?" Cortana asked him.
      "I'm going into the Cryo Chamber.. Wake me up when you need me." Cheif responded.
      "Okay.." Cortana said back.
      Master Chief lays back into the Cryo-Tube, and falls asleep.

    2. minato
      Yo, Sess, waddup? Im gonna make another maze map, like you wanted, but I still have Strict NAT. It PI5S3S me off.
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    Those who think about past, forget it, let history repeat itself.