Lawl. The text is hard to see, though.
The gameplay had may problems on Code Impulse so I decided to reimaginate it ito another map (I believe it will be called High Voltage but its not official) with the same cocept only executed better. But don't worry I won't beg for your assistance and bug the hell out of you. I know what I'm doing now thanks to all the people who helped! Just wanted to let you know incase you have any suggestions or ideas. Thanks BTW Any naked girl will do it doesn't have to be Vannesa Hedgens lol As long asshe is hot :-)
"I already did," did what? thanks ive got allot of amazing cmts on horizon, ye sure but the map im working on is almost done, so once its up ill send you a msg
hello again. i saw you earlier when i was playing with Pegasi delta, e93, Yellow, etc. hows it going?
Not really. I'm pretty busy working on my own projects atm, so I may not always be available when I'm online. Like I said, though, I'm only an idea man... and you're the expert.
Only if Vannassa Hudgens is swinging next to him, in a bikini or naked. I saw a pic of Vaneesa Hudgens naked. She is sitting next to her bathtub with her hot "half smile" that she has. I think she sentthemto probably someone like Zach Efron but apparently someone got ahold of them. Can't find the website again DAMMIT!