Mysterious D
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Dec 16, 2015 at 6:15 PM
Jan 13, 2008
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Sep 27, 1993 (Age: 31)

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Mysterious D


Senior Member
Mysterious D was last seen:
Dec 16, 2015
    1. Pigglez
      And so as thy quest continue for the mighty, deceased Badger Lord, the Titan Dom and Thy Aaron Tusk made their way to the Pillars of Onyx, where they hurriedly ran up the steps with agility unmatched by any mortal, to a tower decayed by the winds of time. Upon arrival Aaron Tusk read the inscription of the Prophets enscribed into the tower wall, and at once a portal of space opened before them, and they rushed in, being thrown out into the middle of Dead Space. Yet the jump through space destroyed the holding on the Time Dial and the sands began to descend, giving the two just hours. They set out at once for the Badger Lord, lost upon the chaos infilled vector of Dead Space.
    2. bnasty574
    3. Pigglez
      And so time continued as the subdued King, vanquished temporarily by the combined efforts of the Titan Dom and Zstrike, the Badger Lord, lay in sand and stone under tight surveillance, and man worked hard to rebuild the savaged lands. Yet it was not long until the Dead Space arrived. The two mighty warriors met at once to try and close the portal to Dead Space, but their combined efforts were not enough, as Zstrike the Badger Lord was pulled in by thy black hole. And stone cracked and sand dispersed and the King was freed, raising an army of the dead to his command. The King of Iron Tusk and his army fled to the ravaged Mt. Olympus in search of the Gods, and fled to the heavens as Earth was torn into halves. The great Titan, unable to defeat the King again without the Sentinel Sword of Zstrike and Dom's very own weapon, the Mighty Love Glove. Hath there be no chance for thy Earth and for peace.
    4. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Ya, srsly. Gtfo maaaaan.
    5. Pigglez
      Stfu jelly. get away, we're having cereal biblical wars goin on here... so ya, stfu.
    6. M.Jelleh
      why hello thar domi boy how u doin???
    7. Pigglez
      And as the mighty titan rose from the deepest depth of hell, scorned by Gods of Grunge and Death, the decimated remains of humanity was swept back in fear. And as he rose fire from his fingertips, and brought lightning down from the sky, and earthquakes began to tremor in the distance, a rainbow could be seen flashing over wreckage and turmoil, as a small asian squirrel by the name of Nemi, stepped forward into the rubble and raised his nuts into the air, shrieking in defiance. Of war the likes hath be wanting.
    8. Pigglez

      And then god said... OI! And a curious little monkey, with guns-a-blazin' burst forward and let out a mighty battle cry. And the heavens shook and the Earth stood still and somewhere, a peanut began to weep, as the great Cosmic bag of Chips in a box erupted in flames, and that young monkey laid waste to the cities and countries, and cleared a path for the arrival of the prophetic titan, Dom.
    9. Pigglez
      lol what the hell was all that? It's true, but you got pwnd by tion lol. PWND. XD
    10. Linubidix
      lol. whoops.
    11. Linubidix
      Sure. What with?
    12. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      I like your new name, do you pronounce it like this Dom-i-Boy or Dome-iBoy with the "i" being e
    13. Fly
      K, your the last person I'm going to ask. How did you get the name change?
    14. KB
      whoa whoa whoa!?! you changed your name.....
    15. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      Oh you too with the name changing? I'm not fooled.
    16. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      Can you go on skype for a minute or so?
    17. xRip U Up247x
      xRip U Up247x
      Your name is a little jewish.
    18. LOL zombie
      LOL zombie
      Hmm... Should I make thread?
    19. LOL zombie
      LOL zombie
      Name change wtf? Im gettin my GT changed. Any ideas?
    20. Ryan. K.
      Ryan. K.
      You changed your name? :(
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  • About

    Sep 27, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Dom says Oi
    Pale, toned, lucious locks.

    Guitar, Football, Drawing.

