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Sep 1, 2013 at 11:33 PM
Feb 1, 2008
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Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
North East uk

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Ancient, from North East uk

Senior Member
Matty was last seen:
Sep 1, 2013
    1. Blaze
      hay. youve been following up farcry2 very well and i was just wondering if you have any idea to if they have a tool that you can build a cave into a mountain...? similar to crisis.

      id really appreciate it if you got back to me. thanx.
    2. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      sorry, was out with friend for a bit, but I'm on skyppe now... you ain't...
    3. drak
      he rep abused me, as well as stealing pix or some ****...i dont care about that....I originally was just wondering wtf his pix were doing on TNF's thread, thinking TNF stole the map.....and then said that since it was with blood's help, that blood let him use the WHOLE center of his map, and tnf only did the i was like wtf, and posted it as a wtf, please explain

      then, blood goes like ape **** on me, and im like wtf and start to defend myself

      and then he accuses me of getting his thread locked, as well as - repping.....tell me thats not abuse!
    4. EZappa
      Oh, I thought avatars were uncool?
    5. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I didn't make thoes
    6. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I told you I liked it. lol I'll change it.
    7. Dragoncoals
      Indeed. I find it to be wonderful. It's like your name, but brighter.
    8. Stoj
      Can I steal your avatar but change the colour?

    9. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Whats up with the 2
    10. The Real KingLS2
      The Real KingLS2
      y hello there matty new maps coming?:3
    11. Fly
      FC2 es catching on before release! Disgrace to ForgeHub! Disgrace! (me like FC2 too, shhh. Dont tell other people!)
    12. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Still no idea what you are talking about, are you sure it was even me?
    13. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      I have no idea what you are talking about, I've never heard of assembly.
    14. drak
    15. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Do win since my people didnt respond?
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      I've seen both Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan and love them both.

      They are both extremely well made and when choosing which one to watch it comes down to time.

      Would you prefer a quick jaunt in that time period: choose SPR
      A long series of episodes, each of which features a different character and therefore develops them to a great extent: choose BoB

      like I said, both are great. Although if you really wanna feel for the characters, choose BoB since SPR is too short to develop them alot.
    17. Mastar
      Well.. all I did was copy paste...

      Titmar gets the credit..

      He posted THIS which in turn let me find the medical one.
    18. bluepenguin23


    19. Glitch100
      I know for that, but you haven't explained the other team, they DON'T exist lol >
      I searched for them and couldn't find 'Lethal injection'
    20. Glitch100
      Im still confused Matty, Lethal Injection went through, but i can't find any details for that team? I was just wondering as they are against us next, and i checked the Unofficial Team Listing, and they aren't there:?

      ( btw: Group 4 )
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  • About

    Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    North East uk
