Chicken Dippah
Last Activity:
Dec 14, 2009 at 1:19 PM
May 5, 2008
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Chicken Dippah

Ancient, from England

Senior Member
Chicken Dippah was last seen:
Dec 14, 2009
    1. Eyeless Sid
      Eyeless Sid
      Hey Would you like to nominate My map "Master Hand" for best Aesthetic map or Best orriginal map . If you can do this I will nominate one of yours in return [This might be difficult due to how many friends I have ] Thank you for considering this :]
    2. providence
      heyy i like the maps you make add me. o providence o
    3. RaBBiiTTT
      can i use your bridge barriers on rat's nest for my map? I'll giv credit.
    4. thesilencebroken
      thanks for checkin out our map man!
    5. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      nah. just usually when I post off topic, i don't really care if its that helpful to the conversation, because the conversations themselves aren't that constructive.

      But thanks for at least being reasonable. Believe me its nice to have someone watching posts. i was just trying to make sure you didn't make such an error again.
    6. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      Excuse me good sir,
      But you seem to have -repped me for "spamming." This "spamming" was in the off topic section.
      You eem to be fairly new here so you may not fully understand the rules. Or you do. I'm not sure. I don't really care because rep isn't a major concern for me, however I should point out that you should have further understanding of the rules before you take action upon them. Thank you.
    7. Blaze
      hay man long time no talk
    8. Chicken Dippah
      Chicken Dippah
      its all good a few issues with my xbox - It died. No longer working so I've sent it off and waiting for it to come back which means all maps are on a halt ;)
    9. Blaze
      hows it goin man?
    10. Chicken Dippah
      Chicken Dippah
      Lol basically you got owned. Too bad for you because those games cost money somewhere along the lines and big buisness' like that coudl'nt give a broken sheeps leg in the desert whilst riding a 2 armed giraffe about the individual its all about numbers...
    11. T3chnomonkey
      For "attempting to sell a Guld Wars account".
      The stupid part was, my account was hacked, and then the hacker tried to sell it, so it got banned. A-net wouldn't talk to me because I was missing one of the 4 CD keys I used to register for the various campaigns :P
    12. Chicken Dippah
      Chicken Dippah
      Lols I would but my friend has it nowadays and likes it alot. Sorry :) btw why you get banned?
    13. T3chnomonkey
      Hey lol if you didn't give away your GW account, can I have it?
      I've beeen rather account-lacking since my old one got banned.
    14. Chicken Dippah
    15. Blaze
      awe that sux.. i cant talk o here i have no roughter. :'( ill just talk and then you can nod your gead and stuff.
    16. Chicken Dippah
      Chicken Dippah
      yeah sure man. Just to let you know my mic has recently passed away, so im currently silenced by my misery just chat on here if you can
    17. Blaze
      hay wold you be interested in making something like your hog or even the same in 1 of my new maps for aesthetics?
    18. Blaze
      HERE is a preview of my new maps coming out if your interested..
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