Damn it! I have almost 4x your amount of posts and you still have more rep thatn me! I hate you!!!!! JK There are alot of people who love the rep system buyt I'm not one of them.
Okay, well.. I guess when Obama wins I can set you off ignore, so I can rub it in your face for being an idiot.
Quarter pipes are a bit too vertical for what I'm thinking. Quarter pipes make it hard to get distance. A rail to rail transfer may be tricky, but if you can do it, go for it. If you're feeling bold, you might want to try and make a super ramp.
I'd love to help, but my time on xbox is limited with everything going on recently. I can always offer suggestions though, and possibly testing here and there, but that's about it. The one thing I think would improve your skatepark maps is a gap. Make a ramp and landing pad somewhere in the map, it'll give players something to shoot for while doing tricks. Create a few throughout the map if you can. It'll make the map more functional.
I can't... My Xbox broke and I sent it in, didn't you even read my sig. I stated that a long time ago.
did you say twas you....i mean...you needta say in a message...i just autodelete GTs that look slightly unfamiliar.