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Sep 12, 2019 at 6:41 AM
Jan 21, 2008
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May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
South Australia

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Ancient, from South Australia

Senior Member
Linubidix was last seen:
Sep 12, 2019
    1. Pegasi
      Grats on Orpheus rank btw.
    2. Pegasi
      Cheers dude, I'll keep the thread on my subscribed list, but please keep me informed by PM if you need anything/wana organise a writeup.
    3. J A Y
      J A Y
      I don’t have any right now; I will get back to you when I do. You pretty much summed it all up in the thread.
    4. J A Y
      J A Y
      Map description organizing.
    5. Pegasi
      Looks good, and all makes sense. Hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of correcting a couple of typos. I like your criteria and the options for what you want done are very nice. You might want to add in that if people have a basic set of bullet points about the map then that would really help in writing the description.
    6. J A Y
      J A Y
      Ohh cool, you did it. Do you need help with anything at the moment?
    7. Pegasi
      I'd include map posting or posting in the title, just so people realise what it is straight off.
    8. Pegasi
      I'd probably put it in Forge Discussion just so its alongside similar resource threads. If anyone questions that then tell them I said so and I'll talk to them/move it to the right place.
    9. Pegasi
      I'd hope it would work, and I'll help out where possible if needed. I'd say its worth a try then wait and see if people realise how helpful it could be to them. I'll try and help publicise it if you do go ahead.
    10. Pegasi
      Now that sounds useful. I see so many maps that could do with a proper description. I just hope that people realise and take advantage of it, loads of people don't even seem to care which is a pity.
    11. Pegasi
      He hasn't, but do tell.
    12. Mastar
      Lol I WAS

      Hows things bro
    13. Tex
      That is random as hell.
    14. TheDarkKnight05
      i see what you mean. Sorry about that. I do it from now on.
    15. ScarFac3d
      I dont know, something that has the same basic theme as my siggy?
    16. J A Y
      J A Y
      I would but I can't. I got the batman game for my phone. I'll show you how to get it tomorrow. It costs $5 off of the 3 network.

    17. J A Y
      J A Y
      yep, I went from 207 t0 251
    18. J A Y
      J A Y
      yeah you gave me pos, dyk you have 44 rep power
    19. J A Y
      J A Y
      yeah. I think we still have $100 dollars left and I still have to place weapons and put more objects down. Hopefully the budget won't be a issue.
    20. J A Y
      J A Y
      I'm going to try and merge a box half way into the ground. Ill use the old method.
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  • About

    May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
    South Australia
