Eyeless Sid
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Jan 13, 2022 at 3:26 PM
Apr 16, 2008
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Eyeless Sid

Ancient, from The Granite State Sex:Fast and hard :]

Senior Member
Eyeless Sid was last seen:
Jan 13, 2022
    1. DeathToll77
      Congrats on the Feature NAO!!
    2. Roche178
      Grats man.
    3. Teerav11
      congrats on the feature!
    4. Pegasi
      I'll agree that Onslaught is a little lacking in some ways, even by the standards of an MLG map. I personally prefer maps like Amplified, Lockdown and Impact.

      Again, I point towards variety as the key when selecting forge competitions, and there's no compulsion to enter this certain competition. You may personally consider it a lowering of standards, but its not as if were sacrificing our focus on other areas of forging in the long run, we're just giving MLG its time in the spotlight (again, not even on its own, but alongside other aspects of forge). Would you really like to see FH reject MLG forging just because it doesn't offer the visual and structural "wow factor" offered by our other disciplines? It has alot going for it, and constructing a map with balanced, flawless gameplay mechanics is no mean feat.

      As far as fun and inventiveness go in MLG, I'd argue that it has more than its fair share, both in terms of Forging and Gameplay. Your comments about noobs running around is a little unfair, the same can be said of regular competitive playlists. MLG is all about highly skilled competitive games, and judging the discipline based on people who don't really get what its about is missing the point. When you look at the MLG circuit itself, or even when you get into the higher levels in the MLG matchmaking playlist, the point and enjoyment become more clear. I personally enjoy the balanced and refined competitive play of MLG alot, I find it a real blast since it pushes your playstyle to the limit and really makes you test your innate skill. The guys at the top of MLG, the pros and the guys who make the decisions, have been doing what they do a long, long time, and know their business. They tailor MLG to their own ends, using Halo 3 as a competitive basis to test each players inherent skill within the H3 game system. Again, it may not be to your taste, you may not enjoy it in the slightest, but that doesn't make it a less valid interpretation of Halo 3.
      Your example of war is a sadly flawed one. War is not meant to be fun, its about winning, and people/nations will do whatever they can to achieve this end. Halo 3 is a game, its meant to be enjoyed, and this varies depending on who is playing. Surely you can't deny that many people enjoy MLG Halo alot, why else would they play it? And do you presume to tell people that they are somehow wrong when they enjoy it just because you don't? Arguing about game specifics is all very well, but at the end of the day Halo is a game, and its meant to be fun. If people create their own adaption and take on it, and enjoy it, how does anyone have the right to denounce this as against the ethic of Halo?

      I can see that I'll never convince you round to a love of MLG, and neither do I want to. Each person has their own opinion and take on Halo 3 and, whilst I may argue my cause, I accept this diversity of opinion, even embrace it. I don't think of my view as somehow more right or valid than yours, even though I may disagree with your reasoning. I just make these points to try and demonstrate that MLG is as entitled to attention as any other. By front paging this competition we are not denouncing the wonders of other Forging disciplines, much less removing focus on them. But only one thing can be front paged at a time, at the moment it happens to be this. If we were to put forward a contest based on the whole variety of forge disciplines at once then the competition would have to read, simply: "make a map". Kinda lame eh? MLG may not be your thing, again that's entirely up to you and I would never presume to criticise you for it, much as I may disagree. Please just understand that we are giving a valid Forge discipline its time on the front page, not presenting it as somehow better than other Forge pursuits. It may not be your thing, but there are many who love and embrace it. In the aims of catering to all our members, we have front paged this right now, and will try to keep up our variety with future events ranging from competitive, through race and aesthetic maps, right into mini-game and casual creations. Again, we do not present MLG as better, but merely one aspect of Forging, one that we have chosen to front page with respect to this contest, because Kon and Fritz had the kindness to organise and fund such an event. I only hope that you can accept this as a time for people other than yourself, but also hope that you find something more to your taste in our upcoming events and competitions (or even the alternate ones we are running now), I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with what we have in store.
    5. Pegasi
      You may be right about the majority of Halo 3 gamers but, quite frankly, this is FH not Bungie.net, we do things our own way and look out for our community, growing as it does.

      Also, what you said about MLG maps is just untrue, sorry but it is. There are massive differences in forging style, design and gameplay other than just weapon sets and gametypes, I don't understand how you can't see that when looking at an MLG map. Balanced areas, differing, interesting lines of sight and a focus on base/side structures are just a few of the things prominent in MLG over competitive maps. MLG maps do what they can to try to level the playing field of Halo 3, you're right that they leave out many interesting game aspects, but they do this because these elements can add unpredictability and slightly random advantage in gameplay terms. At the highest competitive levels, these discrepancies can be magnified and mean the win or loss of a game. MLG never criticise the other aspects of Halo 3, they just take and work with the most fitting aspects for what they are trying to achieve, a level playing field which rewards the high competitive skill of each player above all else. You may not like it as you say, that's completely fair enough, and I can see your distaste at their rejection of certain Halo aspects. But I think its too easy to confuse something which doesn't appeal to you with something that is inferior or watered down in some way, just cause you don't like it doesn't mean its a less valid aspect of Halo or Forge.
    6. Pegasi
      When I said "read the thread", I didn't just mean the opening post, I meant the discussion that went on regarding the competition in the intervening pages. Much of it was of a similar ilk to the points you expressed, and also was followed by a request to stop such criticism within the announcement thread, instead taking it up via PM or Visitor Message.

      If you look at the MLG section, I think you'll notice that maps are hardly being "pumped out" at a massive rate, its actually a relatively quiet section in many respects. Please don't keep equating MLG with competitive, the links are obvious, but they are far from one and the same.

      The budget glitch is disallowed because MLG themselves disallow it. MLG standards try to get rid of anything that could affect the gameplay experience, possible lag, render and network issues caused by budget glitches are included in this.

      With respect to your comments about the majority of FH being casual gamers, why then is the competitive section by far the most lively? As you yourself admit? The community votes with action, and saying that FH doesn't like competitive maps is frankly silly.

      It's clear that you have little interest in this contest, that's fine, to each his own. But its a strong attempt to encourage a valid and important aspect of Forging, MLG, something which is as worthy of the limelight as anything else. Just because it doesn't appeal to you doesn't make it somehow less valid or against the tide of opinion on FH, I think you're mistaking "waste of space" with something that you don't like.
    7. Pegasi
      Regarding your comments on the Forge Like a Pro contest, did you read the rest of the thread? Not only had there been a long discussion and a request to stop such unfounded criticisms on the announcement thread, but the comments you made had pretty much already been said and addressed.

      Whilst competitive is, admittedly, the main output of maps here on FH, I'd like to point out that this is a strictly MLG competition. Whilst MLG is obviously competitive, its a defined area of forging in its own right, with its own section here on FH, one that is far from the most used map section.

      Kon and Fritz organised this contest themselves, we are just publicising it, but it is far from pointless as you say, MLG is a growing trend in forging, and we like to encourage it alongside other disciplines which we promote as well. Currently, we have the Rube Goldberg competition (promoting inventive mechanics and forging, akin to switches and mini games) and the template contest (which encourages ingenuity and the ability to work with something given to you). I don't think FH can be accused of being narrow when it comes to competitions, this is just one of the many aspects we offer, and is hardly the most prominent forging discipline anyway.
    8. BASED GOD
      666 posts!
    9. HellsRequiemAMX
      slipknot is my favourite band in the entire world lol. and when i saw ur name "Eyeless Sid" I thought of 2 things, the song and then the DJ :).
    10. thesilencebroken
      ill check it out. :D
    11. thesilencebroken
      depends on how much work i have to do.

      if it involves turning on my xbox, i cant.
    12. Obibital
      Check out my new map, The Citadel. V2 will be posted when i can get the pics from Bungie.net, its not working for me at the moment.
    13. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      Hey if it isn't eyeless sid hows it going lol was it you that i played with, we played with gravedigger i think testing that map
    14. Nobody Worthy
    15. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      O hai. Remember helping test H.?

      Well, it's posted noa. So click here and post. (and I can also give you your rep. that I never gave you there) xD
    16. coltman87
      No problem. Could you help me and my friend forge a map. We could use some help.
    17. coltman87
      your master hand map is sick man can't wait till you make another aswem map
    18. kayaman132
    19. ScarFac3d
      Im bored..wanna do something now?
    20. ScarFac3d
      Alright, next time your on send me (ScarFac3d) a friend request and we can start working on it whenever.
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  • About

    The Granite State Sex:Fast and hard :]
    Dealing out pain
    Eyeless Sid
    I am not actualy blind :) I play Halo Wars, Halo 3, and plenty of other good games.

    Im a critic and a good one :]
