the persister2
Last Activity:
12y 31w ago
Jan 26, 2008
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Oct 1, 1993 (Age: 31)
The Netherlands
Not occupied, don't worry, I'll go and work whenev

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the persister2

Ancient, from The Netherlands

Senior Member
the persister2 was last seen:
Aug 6, 2012
    1. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Talk to a yellow name
    2. the persister2
      the persister2
      Wow this page is a mess, I've got to fix all of this up a little, oh and btw, thx for visiting my profile ^^
    3. the persister2
      the persister2
      I guess this should do anyway.
    4. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      You'r signature is against the rules. All the images should add up to 500x200
    5. Sheogorath
      happy birthday
    6. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Why another message from me... lucky boy, eh? Anyway ghey beetch alert!
    7. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Well if we can't have the 01/10/08 as the creation date the only other nice ones I can think of are: 08/10/08 or 10/10/08.

      Which one do ya like moar, anser na0 pl0Xx?!

      But at least that gives us/me more time for Revelation and the i____ Maps, so I can then include teh linkz to teh dl's page...
    8. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Can't connect to XBox LIVE right now, sorry birthday boy...
    9. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Photobucket does own, but your Sig doesn't... It's not that bad, it's just gheyz, it's huge! Generally I hate people with huge Signatures because they waste space : / That's why I like how Bungie doesn't have any when you post, but you can have one on your profile.. It just basically makes everything look cleaner (which I like).

      And also you don't need to have two Picture's writing and (guess what) even more writing right under your Post every time you post. But yeah... ; )

      btw instead of posting (replying to mine) a Visitor Message on your profile always could you once be a Visitor on my Profile just to mix things up a bit (and my profile has CoLoRz and Oreo's*). Thanks

      *0r30z just happen to be a Lie
    10. the persister2
      the persister2
      hey I'm coming online now and I have a new signature, photobucket owns man.
    11. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Ha, if you're wondering, no I did not use Google translate, it's just because of a couple similarities between Dutch and German :D

      But when are you going to be on XBL today (if at all), need some help with posting...
    12. the persister2
      the persister2
      pretty good, everything but the I'm looking to make a good Casual Map is good, I said that I also have a good Casual map, remember Rampage??, that's the one, but your dutch is very high skilled at the moment.
    13. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      Ok I'm going to try and translate your long comment. So:

      Yes, I am also Dutch and the site amazing and look out for "Collsion" it will be posted on Forge Hub soon , that I have made with Public Servent and Its Ninja (aka 1337est person ever). It's really the best Map we've ever made, but it's only Team-Based and I'm looking to make a good Casual Map and I've also never seen some one from Holland, I like the Picture btw lol, (push Alt + F4) extraordinary genius.

      SO... uhm, how's , my Dutch ; )
    14. the persister2
      the persister2
      ja ik ben ook een nederlander en de site is geweldig en kijk ook maar of je de map Collision nog een keer ziet op forgehub, die hebben ik, public servent en Itz Ninja gemaakt die is echt de beste die we ooit gemaakt hebben, das dan wel alleen bij team-based maps, want ik heb ook nog goeie casual en ik heb ook nog geen nederlander gezien, ik vind het plaatje lol, (Push the button Alt + F4) gewoon geniaal.
    15. Ryan. K.
      Ryan. K.
      Hey, ben je ook Nederlands? Dit is wel een chille site eh?
      Maarja, alles goed enzo? Dit is pas de eerste keer dat ik een Nederlander tegenkom, dus ja :O.
    16. the persister2
      the persister2
      I'm doing great, Thx for agreement and visiting. I hate thiefs, but our world can't be perfect...., well bye and happy forging.
    17. Blaze
      that doesnt mean that it stolen when you have nothing as the athour b/c it does that alot with canvuses as well.. but i do think its stolen the map was stolen b/c i played on a map very similar about 1week ago. anyway. how are you doing?
    18. the persister2
      the persister2
      Hey everybody welcome to my profile, nice to see you al. Thx for visiting, thepersister2.