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Sep 18, 2010 at 4:11 PM
Apr 13, 2008
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M715ForLife was last seen:
Sep 18, 2010
    1. ScarFac3d
      And from what I can tell from your only other FH post, you like taking others ideas and then making them into your own. Maybe its because your not creative enough to come up with your own ideas, maybe not, whos to say.
    2. ScarFac3d
      You're the one who is over-reacting, I originally came here to see if you wanted to help with my next map, but then you blew things way out of proportion. And there are SEVERAL other ways to make rails and quarter pipes. And yes, people do use aspects of other maps in theirs, but they ask permission first, and then they include them in the map's post.
    3. M715ForLife
      How else would I make a grind rail? A quarter pip? Dont call me arrogant.

      Who cares? People use aspects from other maps in theirs all the time. Your over-reacting.
    4. ScarFac3d
      No, I wasn't accusing you of "stealing" anything, I just said that you used some of the stuff I made, which I first took as a compliment, but now I see that you are an arrogant jerk who wants credit for something he didn't make originally.
      By this I am not saying you copied directly from my map, I am saying you copied parts from my map. Ex. The Spine, The Quarter Pipe, The rail, The Kicker, etc.
      The honerable thing would be to say you had some sort of inspiration from one of my three skate park maps, but no, you used foul language to defend what you "didn't" do.
    5. M715ForLife
      WTF dude?

      Next thing your going to say is that I interlocked. Its common knowledge.
    6. ScarFac3d
      Then there is the whole "grinding" thing, I kinda invented that too. Well, I perfected it atleast, I was the first to use doors.
    7. ScarFac3d
      The curving walls technique?
    8. M715ForLife
      I didnt use jack **** from you.
    9. ScarFac3d
      Hey dude, how come you didn't put my name as like an "Inspiration" or "Used ScarFac3d's" method, for your map?
    10. M715ForLife
    11. Nemihara
      Back off, RR is mine to harass. Rawr.
    12. M715ForLife
    13. FreshCherry
      nice map.....i ussualy post nice comments lol im in a bad mood
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