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13y 26w ago
Mar 8, 2008
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Ancient, from U.S. of A.

Senior Member
evan12075 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2011
    1. TNF
      omgz woot. KC/ST.L/Springfield?
    2. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      pink floyd is the ****
    3. TNF
      Thank you very much, sir.
    4. Linubidix
      THanks man.
    5. Bottlecap
      yeah sure whatever
    6. xFr1ct10nx
      i see ur point, i didnt really think of that. it seems to be like a cod4 situation or i guess real life?
    7. xFr1ct10nx
      thx, for the rep dude and you got a great map but you should change the thing i told u to and itll b kickass. i could help u or something if u need me too.
    8. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      thanks for the +rep. cool that you like my posting :). Im suprised nobody has accused me of sucking up. Used to mod on an forum a while back so i know how this **** works :P
    9. Debo37
      It's Felipe's next map. And you shall not tell anyone!
    10. thesilencebroken
      its still very much in planning stages. i have been toying with different variations on layouts, use of vehicles, and other sorts of things. I also have a followup to vertebraille for my main style underway, although, it'll probably slow things down a tad more than the previous ones.

      plus i have yet to get my lazy ass up and finish the map blaze and i are working on.
    11. thesilencebroken
      haha, funny thing about that, Assembly looks basically how i see vertebraille in my head. not the layout but the aesthetics of it.

      skinning wouldve been easy to allow, i wish they would've allowed us to do it. even games like the oldschool Duke Nukem allowed it, and it makes things come to life so much more.
    12. thesilencebroken
      thanks for bein cool about the map featuring. most people who dont enjoy maps just rip em apart.

      have you tried 1v1? you may enjoy that a little more...
    13. Bottlecap
      I'm doing a heavy rehaul of Ribcage, Im taking out walls changing things widening things to make it actually fun when played, not just pretteh.
    14. Pegasi
      Cheers dude, it should be fun. Users are promoted to a staff position as and when needed as far as I know, always with good reason.
    15. mitona
      you and your fancy 2 rep bars.
    16. Debo37
      Done. And thanks! Now check out the picture album I uploaded just because I can.
    17. Debo37
      I haz four bars. My hypothetical rep ***** is bigger than yours, evan.
    18. NeverlessWonder
      Uh, you got it half right. Go ahead and register at the site and we'll activate your account and you'll be a 'Prowler' rank. This is a temporary rank, and depending how things go you'll either be promoted, stay a prowler for awhile, or removed from the group. (happens very rarely.)

      During your stay as a Prowler, browse the forums, post an intro and/or portfolio and get to know everybody. Send a f/r to "TheGhostsOfOnyx" gamertag so that you can find games easily with our members.
    19. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Thanks evan. Everyone kinda' just saw Debo's name and went crazy for him since he's been here longer.
    20. mitona
      gdi im working on it. its hard to make everything from scratch and then animate it. god lol.