Dude! I sent a really good message to "Shock Thete" about the game and i hope that he reconsiders our battle but untill then... Those Photos are WiCkEd! and the banners you mad.... Holy Crap! its going to be awsome!
no one was on when I was on, or at least i never got a message, and I me and Squork got on at 9:30 GMT...You weren't there...
Ill be happy to help you with switches, and if you give us a time im sure we can work with it. Especially if its on the weekend.
hey, we can play anytime after 3:30 and day of the week. Unless I get a part in the play (unlikely, ill know tomorrow) then its after 6:00, except on the weekends, I can play anytime then =]
It seems we didn't have a chance to play today. I will be on tomorrow for most of the day, as well should my partner be. I hope to hear from you so we can get this done..time is running out.
Hmm, your partner invited me to a game but than he said he couldn't get a hold of you? He made us play against his friend, I'm not sure if he was trying to replace you or have it count or what..or if that was even allowed. But I have to leave now, so hopefully I'll catch you tomorrow.
Lets set something up. We are all on and you said friday was good? KK well I'll be on for a bit more, so lets get these games over with.