Rose Red
Last Activity:
Jun 2, 2010 at 10:43 PM
Jun 13, 2008
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Rose Red


Senior Member
Rose Red was last seen:
Jun 2, 2010
    1. Eyeless Sid
    2. Eyeless Sid
      Eyeless Sid
      The map is based off the unique fighting arenas that were in the Super smash bro game series. I wanted to make a platform, to fight on that was familar and unique at the same time. I picked the hand from the Suppuer smash bro games and you can play on Master Hand which is holding a magic eye floating in his hand that is a secondary platform. There are two launching platforms on either sid of the lower map next to each teams base. You can use these launcher as anouther way to get on the hand. Also under the hand are 4 side bases 2 on either side and 3 staricases leading to the collom walkways allong the outer wall. In the center of the walkway there is a two way stargate to telleport you to the wrist of Master Hand and continue the battle for his hand . The game type pretty simple you have two teams or a FFA setting to fight for the hand in a KOTH setting. You start with Hammers and needlers that help you greatly off the hill but you need them in the hill to push other players off the hand and the fingers which players will need to control seperatly from the palm and floating platform. Players in the hill are invincable so you'll need to use your needler and hammer to move enemies off the hill so you can kill them then. Players off the hill have 125 speed 75%gravity and 300% damage resistance so players have stronger shields. Although the player shields are stronger you can still kill the enemy easily with 2 hammer hits one clip of needler or a few grenades that regenerate after use. players on the hill have higher gravity so they are easier to push off with hammer are needler explosions. This is very true especialy on the fingers.
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    I'll give you a bullet for a vallentine.

    Roses are red
    violets are blue
    will you live,
    or will I kill you?