I'm listening to the Hampster Dance. Shuffle with All Music is always fun, it really shows me how much crap I have on my computer.
I would like to join the Forge Hub MLG group. Im working on an MLG map right now and could use a little advice on one part. I would also like to test other MLG maps created by the Forge Hub community.
Good night. I'm gonna stay up a bit more. Then maybe do some more driving tomorrow. I went on to south road earlier, driving is fun.
ZOMG, just got a Killing Frenzy, shotty snipers on Standoff. Man, I just humiliated that team. Apart of that Frenzy was two Double Kills. I was in their base, one of them jumped down, shottied him, then another, who had camo, threw a nade and shot. I loled when I heard their reactions. Bout half of my frenzy was in their base. I died on the tenth kill when the guy I stuck got too close. But still, go me.