KFf SimpL3
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Jul 18, 2009 at 1:09 AM
Aug 1, 2008
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KFf SimpL3


Senior Member
KFf SimpL3 was last seen:
Jul 18, 2009
    1. TheRagingBeast
      oh kay no prob, i look forward to it
    2. TheRagingBeast
      yup, ive seen that u posted, while dont u teach me how to post maps and ill give u some mlg map tips
    3. EGP
      Alright first visit some forging 101 threads to help make your map the best it can be so people will enjoy it. Why?: because interlocking boxes for example provides better gameplay and a smoother walking surface.

      Ok second you need to take pics in theatre of your map. I suggest going in custom games and test the map so you can get action shots. Once done go to theatre, start it then take some pics. the pics will be sent to your bungie page. Make sure you are signed up for bungie and save the pics to your computer.
      Once you have that done click here to get a tuturial to get the direct link of the pictures.
      Once you have a couple of pictures at least ( only one is needed tho although people might complain about adding more pics)

      Decide on what type of map it is, It may be a map just to look at called an aesthetic map. Or its a good map for 2 on 2 or swat.

      Make sure the map is on your fileshare, and the gametype if there is one
      Once that is done go to this Map Posting Generator ( posted by voodoo) , and this will give you what you need to post and have a succesful posted map.

      I hope this was helpful and gl posting your map, I and the forgehub community cant wait to see it

    4. stin10
      to post a map go to the forums page and look under halo forge maps. then pick weather your map is competative or a minigame, or so on. then click on that type of map, and click, start new thread. in this thread you must embed at least one picture of your map.in the first page of the group, it says how to embed pics into a thread. sometimes that website dosn't work so you can also use photobucket, or just google search imageshack.us to make it work. finally leave a link to your map, by going to your bnet fileshare, and giving the link to the page with your map on it. in halo 3, you must put the map on your fileshare. thats pretty much it. if you have anymore questions just ask.
    5. stin10
      hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out this group for even more help. and again. welcome to forgehub
    6. KFf SimpL3
      KFf SimpL3
      How do you post a map?
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