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Jan 31, 2023 at 10:41 AM
Dec 6, 2007
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Le Mar du Teet

Senior Member
Titmar was last seen:
Jan 31, 2023
    1. Projectt2501
    2. CHUCK
      We <3 Titmar
    3. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      You've been chosen to for a chance to win a trip to Canada!
    4. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Titmar... The Man of the hour.
    5. N1NJ4
      well keep your chin up and stay strong, for those who you have left.
    6. Titmar
      oops lol i replied to my own thing
    7. Titmar
      I know what you mean more than you know man, I've lost a lot.
    8. N1NJ4
      sorry to hear that man. You never really realize the impact people have on your life until they aren't there. Ya know what I mean?
    9. N1NJ4
      I nearly broke down in her room in the hospital. I could see that my sister was on the verge too so I held it back and let it out later when she and I could be away from everybody else.
    10. N1NJ4
      life is fantastic. after a short lapse of emotional lacking I am back to the good ol' Ninja that you know and love. I was gone for awhile, I don't know if you noticed. My mom was in the hospital because of a heart attack and I was staying with a friend. She is back in the nursing home and I'm back.
    11. N1NJ4
      I ****ing love you titmizzle in an entirely non-gay way
    12. Mastar
      Ive just always wanted to make a ****ing huge sandwich like in the movies :D
    13. Mastar
      Cheers. No one is entering though.. =/

      Maybe if you enter.. Everyone will be like "oh Titmar entered, I gotta enter now so I can impress him with my sandwich skills."
    14. absentrabbit
      Lol, awesome.
    15. Mastar
      Holy ****. Just wanted to stop by and say; I appreciate you.
    16. Ty
      Let's burn this motherfucker down!
    17. Ty
      There wasn't any other Subie's in the lot ..... I really think he was going to be a douche and key my car, so he got what he deserved .... LOL
    18. Wakko45
      Hai der good sir!
    19. Ty
      I don't know, I kicked him in his stomach when he was on the ground a drove off in a huff. Nobody ****s with my car, lol
    20. Ty
      OMG Funniest thing happened last night. I went to Taco Bell to get some grub, well I come out with my foodz and some ****er is standing by my car holding a key very close to the door. So I of course over react, drop my food and sprint over to the guy dropping him with a right fist to the side of his head. ooops .... lol, i seriously thought he was going to key it.
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