Draw the Line
Last Activity:
Jan 3, 2013 at 9:05 AM
Jan 14, 2008
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Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
Chicago, Illinois

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Draw the Line

Ancient, from Chicago, Illinois

Senior Member
Draw the Line was last seen:
Jan 3, 2013
    1. Furious D 18
      Furious D 18
      Yeah, you can look at my new map. It's in Casual right now. Attention Deficit. Maybe we'll get a chance to play it after we reminisce on that purdy Gridlocked map of yours.
    2. Unstoppable XI
      Unstoppable XI
      Sorry about how late this is but I didn't get your message about last Forgeday so Im sorry about the messages I sent you.
    3. Blaze
      the new maps out if you were waiting for it, sry that i didnt post it sooner. and a preview for my others. :-D hope to get a comment from you agian.

      maps name is curbstomp, just so you werent confused
    4. LuckoftheMoose
      NP, for some reason it said Orangeremi invited me, but I go to accept it and it said it never existed >> I'm the first person to post for this TGIF and didn't get to participate :( That makes me 0/3 on being in TGIF.... :(
    5. Ewok2870
      Yeah, we played members vs. staff and pwnd them lol.
      Do wish we could've played clue, but I see how that would be hard to pull off.
    6. texturedlemur
      Don't worry about it. I had a great time. Lone solider and Orangeremi stepped in and we had a great time. We all had great games and great laughs.
    7. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      No problem, I couldn't tonight either i was messin around with friends :P but yeah toss me a invite tmmw ill be sure to jump in!
    8. gobbles
      oh wait, it was running chron that sent me the message saying I got an infraction, my bad :$
    9. gobbles
      I didn't think they could, just assumed since you sent me the message
    10. bnasty574
      What can I say, i'm a dank kinda guy. you should make an mlg style map, I could see that being of very high quality.
    11. bnasty574
      i think gridlock is solid as is.

      anyway, i just came here to comment on how dank your sig is, you make that?
    12. gobbles
      waaah! you popped my infraction cherry!
    13. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      I'm making a V2 of Gridlock, does anyone have any suggestions on what they'd like to see improved?
    14. E93
      Draw The Line, unexpectedly, my family just got tickets to the Pistons game tonight, and I wll be unable to attend TGIF (unless something happens, and I'll let you know.).
      I'm really sorry for the inconveniance.

      With all my heart,
      Buck Foston.
    15. TydeSkomark
      Help me and Scott1991 make a cool infection map based on Indiana Jones!
      If you want to, send me a friend request.
    16. LIGHTSOUT225
      count me in 100%
    17. Tex
      much obliged good sir
    18. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Well I'm not too certain. I was never given an official reason why. My guess would be that I'm fairly active within the community and my behavior on the sites has deemed me "Loyal". I'm sure it also helps that I've been with the community for a while now and have befriended many of the staff members and other loyals. And I make cool mapzorz, lol. Here is a link that gives you the basic guidelines of what a person does to become loyal.
    19. AllseeingEntity
      if you look at my file share on bungie, capture the 10 is example of my work. i took the actual map off my file share to remodel the bases to create more cover and player compatibility.
    20. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Glad to hear, I'll be looking for your maps in the forums.
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Chicago, Illinois
    Draw the Line
    I am a student at NIU studying to be a graphic artist. I am addicted to just about anything Halo, and of course I love to forge.

    Drawing, Building, Videogames

