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Aug 21, 2012 at 6:26 PM
Jan 15, 2008
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Nov 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Houston, TX
Forging to a Premium standard.

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Ancient, from Houston, TX

Senior Member
Bottlecap was last seen:
Aug 21, 2012
    1. ScarFac3d
      I also consider myself somewhat of a perfectionist. Basically, I want you to give me some ideas and show me some inventive ways to create them.
      That is a link^^
      You can do whatever you want really, I just want your help lol, I REALLY love your maps.
    2. ScarFac3d
      I have been making some Skate Park maps, you can see them in the aesthetic forum if youd like, and I need help, I dun haz any ideas =(.
    3. ScarFac3d
      Oh...Hai Thar. I was just wondering....Would you like to help make my next skate park, mr. Pro Forger, sir?
    4. LOCK.xcf
      : (

      havt seen you around a lot
    5. The Real KingLS2
      The Real KingLS2
      Om Nom Nom?Exept my nom nom fr nom nom?
    6. FreshCherry
      it should get featured lol
    7. FreshCherry
      omg an even cooler rib cage????? i cant believe it
    8. FreshCherry
      sorry about that spam post, and no i amnot trying to get my rank up. i am just being friendly
    9. evan12075
      lol, i knew your map was supposed to do that. i was just referring to a problem i had.
    10. evan12075
      i know exactly what you mean man. bungie cant even make spawns perfect. in my latest map my respawn zones are great and most of the time the spawns are smooth... but occasionally an attacker spawns in the defenders base when that zone is set too defenders...

      anyway, sounds good, i'll DL the new version before i play on the map, that way I'll have better feedback for you.
    11. The Real KingLS2
    12. thesilencebroken
    13. Pegasi
      add me at hamishedmondson if you wana contact me easily.
    14. thesilencebroken
      no man, just jump on it where it is, either one of them, and melee it. it'll blow you straight up to spots that you arent supposed to be.
    15. Pegasi
      Mac is pure win, I haven't tried iChat yet but I'm signing up now.
    16. Pegasi
      KK dude, tomorrow it is. You use skype? If so add me at hamish.edmondson so you can let me know if you need me for a party easier.
      Are you up for trying to get a 2v2 on Warlot going tonight?
    17. thesilencebroken
      lol, im gonna upload a video to my fileshare.
    18. thesilencebroken
      haha, im stubborn. ignore me.

      anyways, the fusion coil next to the B sign just off the ribs does the same thing. blows me right up on top of the ribs. (sorry :'()
    19. thesilencebroken
      eh. personal preference. if the settings are right, any weapon can be fine. i personally dont think close range weapons are all that powerful in a map as open as this. if some were to sit in one of the alleyways with say... a shotgun, you simply nade them to death, or seek an alternate way. most people feed the campers. its all how you play the game.

      im not dissin on your map, its fine the way it is, i just find close range possibilities to be more exciting. and i dont consider those plasma weapons all that close range. you win, k? lol
    20. thesilencebroken
      blockoff? i dont get it. i dont know if what i did is what everyone else did...

      by the attackers base, theres an "A" sign. i stood on the fusion coil next to it, and shot it. that landed me on top of the pillar, which is a great sniper spot btw, and then i easily jumped on that upper rim going around foundry.. from there, the possibilities are endless. i go bash the warthogs with the hammer.

      And dont worry about what choices you made, theres alot of people who dig em. I am one person. I was just lookin for like at least a mauler or somethin. [im a shotgun *****, but not the camping kind]. Regardless, ill keep the map on my harddrive for a very long time. its a work of art.
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  • About

    Nov 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Houston, TX
    Forging to a Premium standard.
    I forge. I review maps.

    Forging. Reviewing maps. Volleyball.

