Lone Deity
Last Activity:
Jun 1, 2022 at 12:52 PM
Dec 4, 2007
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Jun 24, 1995 (Age: 29)
Home Page:
Hotel California
Lolololololololing my roflcopter?

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Lone Deity

Ancient, from Hotel California

Senior Member
Lone Deity was last seen:
Jun 1, 2022
    1. IPokeNinjas
      Hey Lone , Shock Theta said i should speak to you about TGIF because you "control" what goes on in this department , i have an idea that could make it a whole lot more fun so heres my idea:

      Would there be a way to incorporate a party system for forgehub users so people could play with their friends AND others so they and other players could enjoy FH's games much more than by being on their own in a party of 12+ players.

      Perhaps you could introduce a maximum player limit (3-4 players) to encourage players to talk to other in-game rather than sticking with their friends so maybe you could take this idea and think about it for a while , if you consider it you can message me on my GT: About 6 Bushmen.

    2. bluepenguin23
      HI lon3! it's blue! i haven't talked to you for a while infact not scince the shout box! wow that was long ago...
      well i think that wells.jack has a cool idea... but it ain't my choice... see ya later,
    3. wells.jack
      I would like to sugest an event on forge hub that would coencide with the Summer Olymics in this year. Forge hub could host a halo olymics of a type where teams selected by national origin could compete against each other just like in the upcomeing olympic games. some of the events could include CTF, team oddball, team slayer, team king of the hill, vip, and mongoose raceing. Naturaly maps would have to be created for the events. the maps could be either from previous content or from new submissions entered specificaly for the games. this would likely bring out alot of great talent that we saw during both the Shell Shocked compition and during the 1 Vs 1 Tounament. Im sure that this could become a great event and that if anyone could make it work it would be Forgehub. thank you and you can contact me at wells.jack@gmail.com.
    4. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      Posted some screens from our room in TGIF
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  • About

    Jun 24, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Home Page:
    Hotel California
    Lolololololololing my roflcopter?
    Lone Deity
    I am Lone. I am a loner? Hmm...?

    lolololololing with Insane



    Proud Member of the Original Devoted Dozen Loyals of '07