Comments on Profile Post by HeX Reapers

    I believe so (not 100% sure on Oddball). If they're not in my fileshare let me know and I'll put them there.
    Nov 4, 2016
    HeX Reapers likes this.
  2. HeX Reapers
    HeX Reapers
    Alright, I got plots and bomb, but ball isn't up.
    Nov 5, 2016
  3. HeX Reapers
    HeX Reapers
    Just came back to grab the ZBNS gametypes again (accidentally deleted them) and I noticed Ball still isn't up, just wondering if you could possibly upload it at some point.
    Dec 27, 2016
    I couldn't find a ball gametype, sorry. I'm sure there'll be one out there somewhere (people modded them eventually IIRC) but I wouldn't know where to look nowadays.
    Dec 31, 2016