Jul 28, 2011
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Cartographer, Male, from State College, PA

The Creator Forge Critic

Traveling east coast tomorrow to visit the family in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving! Nov 22, 2016

    1. neoneoneons
      Hi! Is there a new gamertag where I can find your Reach maps on MCC? WARH0LIC/WARH0LlC doesn't carry any.
      1. WAR
        oh...yeah, I changed my gamertag a while back because I was trying to quit drinking and didn't like the association of alcoholism. Try WAR#4788
        Jun 18, 2021
        brusky0086 and neoneoneons like this.
    2. dr savage
      dr savage
      heya, any way to change my profile name?
    3. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Make your map public i'll look at it, is it a glitch or are you just looking for a sweetspot?
      1. WAR likes this.
      2. WAR
        Thanks man, I'm looking for a sweetspot for lighting. The performance is really terrible, thats actually a bigger concern. A few people already said they would take a look at it. Appreciate the help!
        May 8, 2018
        Soldat Du Christ likes this.
      3. Soldat Du Christ
        Soldat Du Christ
        For framerate you can replace some of your textured blocks with primitive blocks. The bridge bottom middle for example where incin cannon is, you could replace your 6 20x32x4 textured blocks with 6 16x16x32 primitive blocks.

        Apply that same method anywhere else on the map that you cana. Also maybe experiment with primitive emisives > colorable brain scripts? That's all i got hope it helps gppd luck
        May 9, 2018
    4. ShadGhost
      I was wanting to update the link to my map and to edit my post so that you could see the professional chances and fixes. Though apparently the thread has been locked. When a map is edited in any way it requires a new link to the source, how are people suppose to update that?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. WAR
        thanks, i'll update our trello board with the new link
        Mar 16, 2017
      3. ShadGhost
        Cool man, I appreciate the help.
        Mar 16, 2017
      4. ShadGhost
        Just one more thing before I get out of your hair. I just checked the Trello link and I wanna be sure that the Judges know that during that during the grace period I fixed everything about the map that put it 'Below Specification"
        Mar 18, 2017
    5. ShadGhost
      I'd like to ask you about my submission for the contest. There have been a few hick ups regarding its visibility and the issues I had with getting it uploaded. You can respond to me either here or on xbox, though my livability is better through the later do to complications with getting access to my pc.
      1. ShadGhost
        And I almost forgot. My GT is the same as my username here.
        Mar 5, 2017
      2. WAR
        Glad you reached out. Before I recommend a solution I need to identify what the problem is. What is the issue? You have until March 11th to make sure your map is 100% complete.
        Mar 5, 2017
      3. ShadGhost
        Well it is more of a handful of concerns and questions. Firstly my maps visibility. I mostly wanted to voice that my map Purgatory has had a few glitches with its upload so it might not appear for every judge. Which is also why it was 11 or so minutes late for the contest, which I do hope I am not cut from the rewards and such because of that. Secondly I think the script brains for the gametype are busted on my map.
        Mar 6, 2017
    6. WAR
      Traveling east coast tomorrow to visit the family in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving!
      1. h0twing3 likes this.
    7. WAR
      Going out to dinner with @purely fat tonight for sushi at IZUMI's!
    8. Saucy
      Keep hearing talks of a community remake playlist but I can't find anything on it. Is this something you can talk about?
      1. WAR
        Yeah, we're hunting down maps as we speak. If you find any good ones let me know.
        Nov 9, 2016
    9. WAR
      Going to Ireland today for my friends wedding. Will be there for a week. Should be a great time!
    10. WAR
    11. WAR
      Today was pretty stressful...spent 2 hours in the gym and feeling better:)
      1. a Chunk likes this.
      2. a Chunk
        a Chunk
        A trip to the gym is probably the 2nd best way to work off a little stress. ;)
        Aug 5, 2016
        Preacher001, Chronmeister and WAR like this.
    12. Hitbox Unknown
      Hitbox Unknown
    13. Randy 355
      Randy 355
      Warholic, how's it goin? I remember you expressed interest in hanging out some weekend with @Sn1p3r C and I. Would you be down to go to the LAN Center this weekend?
      1. WAR
        Yeah, that sounds fun. I'll let you know if I can go, might have overtime at work. Talk soon.
        Jul 12, 2016
    14. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      So you thoughts? Max's voice is way too loud in comparison to game volume, couldn't hear anything else besides what he said
    15. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      You Played Colonial on Max's stream, before you say anything it's not too big. It has alot of wide rooms and long hallways but also alot of crafty ways to weave in and out of all of the locations. They just arn't obvious, there is a learning curve. After multiple tests, once players learn how to traverse it plays the same speed as mm
    16. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Scrach that... Didn't mean scrub, lol. I mean 'New' relative to the ammount of time i've been here
    17. Soldat Du Christ
    18. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Hey warholic, i know you guys only look at maps of people that have been here a long time and stuff... But can you take a chance on a scrub and look at my map Colonial, i confident enough to shove it in peoples faces knowing eventualy it will pick up steam
    19. WAR
      I will be away from June 29 - July 6 to visit family. Please contact other staff members for assistance. Thanks!
    20. SplinterBL
      Hey Warholic, this is SplinterBL, the Flapjack Frenzy guy. I'd really like to help to grow this community, but I'm not sure what you guys need, other than writers. I'm not qualified for something like that, but I'd like to help out in any way that I can. This is a community that more people ought to know about and participate in.
      1. WAR likes this.
      2. WAR
        Hey thanks so much for reaching out, I'll start up a private conversation about this:)
        Jun 7, 2016
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    State College, PA
    Level Designer
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    "Design is intelligence made visible." - Alina Wheeler


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